3 weeks into flower+Pics!


Well-Known Member
Do you happen to know why the big lower fan leaves are curling? you can see them in the first pic

Cronic The Hemp Hog

Active Member
Looks good for 3 weeks flowering...the hardest part for me is the beginning of the grow, because you know you have forever to go until harvest.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man, trust me that plant will bring in a good harvest, just gotta be patient and it'l be well worth it


Active Member
THe bottom leaves will turn yellow most of the time. The plant is useing energy where it is needed the most so the tend to die off.


Well-Known Member
Ya I was hoping it would bring me a nice harvest, I only wanted it to get about 2 foot tall cuz i'm indoors but it's been growing like crazy its 3 foot tall now, but it's not like i can complain!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ya I was hoping it would bring me a nice harvest, I only wanted it to get about 2 foot tall cuz i'm indoors but it's been growing like crazy its 3 foot tall now, but it's not like i can complain!!!!

Lol i wish i could get some big ones again, im goin thru like a growers block and all my babies are stayin tiny!! So ya i wouldnit complain bout that :bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
If you had to guess what do you think it will yeild?
its tricky to tell early on in flowering but definitely at least an oz probably more, but that is just a guess.. and no matter what the yeild, nothing is sweeter than pot you grew with your own two hands:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Sweet!!! just being able to watch her grow was def. worth it and getting the experience, So the buds are just a nice bonus, Thanks for the help man I appreciate it!!!