3 weeks into flowering. leaves clawing...i thnk


Active Member
diy aero
strain:black jack
room temp 80
600 watt hps
ph 5.8
ppm 800-1000
compost tea every few days for maintenance

not sure if this is a deficiency or just the way the plant is supposed to look. fan leaves are clawing down. tried a flush, changed res water, lowered ppms and nothing seems to change the clawing. i have another type of plant growing in my setup as well and it doesnt seem to have any issues. any assistance is appreciated.

20140722_162321.jpg 20140722_162321.jpg
these are 3 diff plants. 2 diff strains. i dont have the prob with the curling in the one.



Active Member
im using the dutchmaster nutrient line. i dont give it any N indvidually. just base nutes, add. 27. root excel and amino from h&g


Well-Known Member
Classic N toxicity claw back off N or youll start locking out calcium and think you have calmag problem.


Well-Known Member
Im not positive but I think it just the strain your growing. I am in the middle of going through the same thing with one of my 10 unknown strains im growing. at first I thought it was the classic N toxicity like couple ppl also mentioned which it still could be. Im guessing strain though :bigjoint: