3 weeks into flowering!!Mix and match HPS and CFL grow.PICS.


Well-Known Member
Well I've been documenting this grow since the start on my journal, but I wanted to post these pics up and doucment the last remaining weeks of flowering in this forum.

I'm about three weeks into flowering. Acutally 21 days exactly today. The strains are Blue Venom and Northin Lightes. They were vegged under floros and not I'm flowering under a 150HPS with the CFL for side lighting.

This is really only my second grow but I wanted to start this thread to show anyone new can still grow some dank stuff. Just with the right love and care of course:mrgreen:.

I will be updating weekly with mostly pics and mini updates. Because this will mostly be for the bud porn I won't write books like I do in my journal.

Real quick run down
150 HPS
1 105w CFL 2700k
4 42w CFL 2700k
3 23w CFL 6500k
4 4ft floros 6500k
4 4ft floros 2700k

Anyone feel free to post whatever, pics, suggestions, comments, idc. Just trying to find people I can chat weed with really.


Well-Known Member
im in love...good job ! what are you feeding her ? im sure others would like to know :)
Thanks for the kind words. Right now I have them on a pretty constant nute regiment. I feed em(for 1 gal of water): 1tsp jacks classic bloom booster, 2tblsp FF Big Bloom, 1-2 tsp FF Tiger bloom, and 1/4-1/2 FF Big Grow. I usually don't feed the Big Grow every watering only when I feel they need that little N boost. I really feed the nute regiment every time I water and I've never had problems with burning. I know it prob seems like a heavy nute load but they love it.


looks lovely, i smoke weed so i really want to get to this stage im fed up of spending shit loads of money a week on weed! can u please help me out, ive been growing ak48 for a month now i only have 2 plants, ive just been occasionally watering them and i just leave them in a pot each in the garden but the weather is shit in England so ive decided to buy a light but i really want advice and help on which light to get, it would be much appreiciated, great job by the way Northen lights is beautiful!


Well-Known Member
@qwerty Well on my first grow I really just started out with some 4ft floros. Most people don't have the space for the 4ft tubes so they usually go with CFLs. Depending on your space and what your working with I can prob help out. Just give me a lil more info. How big is your space? How big are the plants? What size pots? etc

Here are some pics of the whole plants too for everyone and a couple different bud shots:weed:. Lights have yet to come on for the day but these pics are from last night.


Active Member
Looking good, man! Love those huge fan leaves. You are starting to get some nice trichome coverage too. I hope those turn out even better than you are hoping for now.


Well-Known Member
Looking good, man! Love those huge fan leaves. You are starting to get some nice trichome coverage too. I hope those turn out even better than you are hoping for now.
Right on man I appreciate it. Ya these girls are only 3 weeks into flowering so I'm expecting them to get a lot bigger/frostier(?) or at least I am hoping they will. I guess you could say I have high hopes for these girls.

Corny I know....I disgrace myself.


Active Member
I have one plant out of 4 that looks like this but I have 3 42 watt 6500k, 2 26 watt 2700k , 8 26 watt 2700 k
and two walmart 23 watt grow tube lights that are 24 inches long
The other plant Didnt show sex until last week
but my question is It looks exactly like yours and I only used some miracle grow no hps
SHould I Change to tiger bloom or is too late ?
When do I know when they r ready and do I need to trim the feeder leaves for better penetration


Well-Known Member
I have one plant out of 4 that looks like this but I have 3 42 watt 6500k, 2 26 watt 2700k , 8 26 watt 2700 k
and two walmart 23 watt grow tube lights that are 24 inches long
The other plant Didnt show sex until last week
but my question is It looks exactly like yours and I only used some miracle grow no hps
SHould I Change to tiger bloom or is too late ?
When do I know when they r ready and do I need to trim the feeder leaves for better penetration
No never trim feeder/fan leaves of any kind! Fan leaves are what feed your bud and keep the lady healthy and happy. Sorry had to get that out the way. I see way to many people triming the fan leaves for better light penetration. Its prob one of the worst things you can do to your plant.

I start using tiger bloom as soon as I swtich them to 12/12 lighting and use it all the way through till about 2 weeks before I harvest. You can start using TB at any point during flowering it wont harm them any. Just know that if your in your last 2 weeks before harvest and your still nuting than you might get a little chemical taste in your herb. Nothing that is unbearable though. And when you ask "when do I know they are ready?", do you mean when they are ready for harvest?


Well-Known Member
The girls are looking fine this morning. Just wanted to do a mini update since the lights came on. We are now offically on day 22 of flowering. I will prob get some new pics up tonight. Nothing had really changed but I guess I just like taking pictures.


@robbzilla, im really knew to this so u have a bit of work explaining to me but i would really appreciate the help! right information: i have 2 plants in a pot each, the pot is about 7 inches tall 7 inches wide, i was going to put the plants in the wardrobe theres a good little work area for 2 plants, and its ideal because theres a wooden rack above the space below that i can hook a light on no problem, trouble is i need to know what light and basically how to grow these babys! they are about 9 inches tall with alot of leaves if that helps. i know its guna take time but if u can talk me through this i would love it! cheers matey


Well-Known Member
For that small of a space I'd throw as many CFLs as I could fit while still keeping my heat in check. Prob start out with 2-3 and then slowly add some as they get bigger. Make sure they are 6500k tho. And people say 23w have the best lumen to wattage output. I would prob start out with 23-26w and go from there. Like I said heat is going to be your main concern in a small box like that. How are you venting?
I understand man. Research is key but I'm also here to help, ask me any questions you have.


Active Member
No never trim feeder/fan leaves of any kind! Fan leaves are what feed your bud and keep the lady healthy and happy. Sorry had to get that out the way. I see way to many people triming the fan leaves for better light penetration. Its prob one of the worst things you can do to your plant.

I start using tiger bloom as soon as I swtich them to 12/12 lighting and use it all the way through till about 2 weeks before I harvest. You can start using TB at any point during flowering it wont harm them any. Just know that if your in your last 2 weeks before harvest and your still nuting than you might get a little chemical taste in your herb. Nothing that is unbearable though. And when you ask "when do I know they are ready?", do you mean when they are ready for harvest?
i was reading on this site and it says to use a magnifying glass but it also says to wait for the bud to turn brown so i am bit confused
Yeah cause Its getting thick like half the stalk of a three foot plus plant has thick green stuff with white and semi white filaments or what ever they are called
it looks exactly like the pick right now maybe even denser
this is my 1st time growing and even seeing a plant to be honest


Well-Known Member
Well ya the "real" way to do it is too get a magnify glass and look at the the trichomes (they are the little crystal looking things on the leaves around the bud) and when the trichomes are like 70% "amber" they say to chop them down. I mean this way is good don't get me wrong, considering you have the right microscope like a 60x-100x or at least a 30x. I use a 30x I bought off the internet and than go from there.

I look at 3 things before I chope em. I look for the swell of the bud, the "white hairs" to start retracting inward, and I look at the trics under my 30x scope. Really I tend to cut mine down a little earlier rather than later. But I'm only talking maybe a couple days early. Now if your growing a specific strain you can look up that strain on the internet and they usually give you a usually time frame where they will be done flowering. Really after you get a grow under your belt you'll know what to look for.

Got any pics of em? I'd love to see!


so cfls is a type of light, how many do i need, and what do u mean when u say still keeping your heat in check and heat is my main concern :S how would u suggest i vent? thanks for this help matey


i found this what you think,
300w Blue Spectrum CFL hydroponics reflector grow light

With Blue 6400K spectrum filaments for vegetation stage


Well-Known Member
i found this what you think,
300w Blue Spectrum CFL hydroponics reflector grow light

With Blue 6400K spectrum filaments for vegetation stage
Well when your working with a small space like you described its hard to keep you heat, meaning you temp, at or below 85 degrees (which is what I like to keep it at). Some people say you can grow in 90degree temp but I don't recommend it:?. People vent a lot of different ways. You can have small exhaust and intake fans, with your space prob a couple of pc fans would be good. You can usually find those on a old comp if you have one. And then just cut holes in your box to fit the fans. If you have the money you can buy "real" exhaust fans which you can find on the internet. They usually run around 100-200 depnding on how many CFM they are. Meaning how much air they can move every min or so.

best deals thread

This is all on the assumption that you want to keep your grow very stealthy and the box actually has to be closed. Like me I grow in a closet in my own house in the country so my "venting" is just leaving the closet door open with a couple wally world bought fans for fresh air circulation. I do not have to keep my grow stealthy so I really have no trouble with heat seeing as the room that attaches to the closet has central A/C. So if you can keep the door or some side of the box open then you'll have a much easier time dealing with the temp. Fresh air and good temp are two main things a lot of people have trouble with:-?.

The light you found would be great for two plants in your small box that your growing it. You could grow some quality herb with that:weed:. The only thing you need to remember is your going to have to switch over to a 2700k light for flowering. I mean tech you can use a 6500k for flowreing but you will get more fluffy less dense buds.

You dont have to keep thanking me man really. I'm happy youv taken a intrest in this thread and just keep asking question. I'll help you throughout the whole process. This thread will be open another.....hmmm...5-6 weeks untill my girls get done flowering.


okay this would be easier if u tell me exactly what i need to start growing cos the plants r still outside at the minute, so like 1 cfl light at whatever watt etc... i just need the exact information on what to get, but i really dont wanna spend 200 on a fan lol, im growing ak48, have u grown this b4 if yes then how much did u get off a plant, im just fed up buying weed from people so wud defo like my own stash! this help is really appreciated mate!