Hey buddy..fox farm ocean forest is great stuff and has plenty of food so good choice by not feeding. You won’t need to for a long time. That soil has a good ph and I’ve never had issue. Too much moisture too often can be your issue here. Ditch the heat mat also. Not sure how warm you got those roots but I’ve seen plants up and you yellow from root damage without drooping leaves. Too many guys obsess over ph and have no real understanding of it. You’re not going to change that soil ph very easily with your water. Ocean forest has ph buffers. The water going in will adjust to the soil ph..not the other way around unless you’re watering with pond water that came from Chernobyl. How much water goes into the cup when you water? How dry do you let it get? For future transplant, add that extra perlite or blend the ocean forest with promix. I recommend you add a tablespoon of dolomite lime (pulverized) per gallon of soil to ensure longevity of ph buffering of soil for plants. Btw..I haven’t checked checked ph of anything in years and my garden is always happy and healthy. Don’t waste your time complicating things and being a ph chaser like so many others. Make a good mix and focus on more productive things than being paranoid about a ph. It’s holding a lot of growers back