3 white rhino plants dying slowly! HELP ME PLZ!


Well-Known Member
Great feedback from every one I've taken alot on board!
So really next step is a water p.h tester and a new soil p.h tester! These seem essential ESP for flower stage (1 week on Sunday)
the plants are back growing now as they stopped after the transplant so I guess that is something. Leafs still a bit dis coloured think it mite be down to water p.h to be fair. Soil shud be fine - bio bizz all mix is 6.3 - 6.5 and I've used iguana organic juice maybe 3 times so bit weird. I'll stop misting - sounds like that's no good for plants the fan is on alot more to generate fresh air and better ventilation. The leaf tips are yellow/brown and a few copper marks but it's only real bad on one plant.
I hope once I get new p.h kits this will rectify before flowering
I will up load new thread with pics etc shortly and show u lot progress!

Thanks for all comments and ideas greatly appreciated! I've leRnt so much and this is just my first grow!


Well-Known Member
Ah, humidity can cause that intervienal tissue to raise like that? This is something I was unaware of. I know my fair share about growing, but I am still learning more all the time.

Either way, OP needs to fix the PH and foilar feed like you suggested earlier. Been fun discussing this with you man.
likewise kind sir.


Well-Known Member
one key thing to remember is patients! alot of times we like to over correct the problem. Meaning after stress acurs make the proper diagnosis, fix the problem and then sit back and let nature do the rest giving plants a few days minimum to start to show new life. this site saved me much fustration all you have to do is ask and read. Thank you all so much
England123, My mind says nutrient burn, and my eye says some "little over watering" as well. I'd cut out any extra stuff you've been putting in there. And water it in straight and clean. Most soils will take a higher PH level and when PH does effect it, the whole plant seems to be affected. Wish you well on your grow!


Well-Known Member
ok ok - just bought a water p.h digital tester and a soil p.h tester cos my old one obv doesnt work - i bout some water + and - liquids aswell and some bio bizz bloom fert to go along with my big bud, bud blood and this as a base nutrient!

my babies hopefully will be better after a flush with correct p/h water then on sunday (monday today) i will leave them in the dark for 36 hours to induce flowering! i wont feed them any nutes untill i feed them the bud blood now after the 36 hours of darkness - ive moved the veg light 150w up far from plants as it might of been heat related - i bought some epsom salts today aswell for the MG incase it is that and will just add this when feeding them nutes to the feed - any other tips?

just spent like 150$ today and i cant think of anything else i might need - the plants are big with lots of nodes one of them is about 30inch - this is around 7/8 weeks theve been in VEG and if you took the leaf damage away, the curlin of the leafs and like claws and the brown spots they would be sorted!

there a good size with lots of nodes so im hoping after a flush with ph water this will clear up the problems - any one with any info or help?

thanks fir every ones posts so far


Can anyone tell me whats wrong with my plant? this is one out of three all the same strain from same mother.

The other 2 are going mint still lush as pics in profile.

This ones leaves have gone a pale green or something and the leaves are folding downwards and are dry and britle.

Rep to anyone who can figure this one out:!: I've searched the net and books and cant come up with a good answer.
I've flushed with no difference and my ph/ppm is correct it may of flucuated a week or so ago tho. i am so close to a great smoke crop! please help:leaf::leaf:



Well-Known Member
well for starters - i dont mind you hijackin my thread (as some ppl on this site do) but its all cool to me....

second of all i think its a sure sign of over watering/under watering - well it looks that way to me, i have the same problem and it was doing exactly the same as ur leaves - try and figure out a medium where the leaves will tell you when and if they have had to much or need more

good luck on ur grow dude