Well-Known Member
yer retirement has got me thinking aswell shit iv got another 40years of working infront of me

if you were to throw out a ballpark figure how much would you say that you generally yield from this setup?
about 27 is the most so far, I would love to pull a pound per light.
Obtaining Electrical Energy without paying for it is easier than you think. Energy is so expensive primarily because of the way it is produced centrally & "shipped" along power lines to different areas. Power lines are notorious for bleeding out huge amounts of energy, if you set up your own power line running parallel (not touching, parallel!) to existing "hot" lines, your parallel line will receive a charge equal to that running through the main line! The Supreme Court has ruled that if Energy Companies cannot keep electricity inside their lines, it is not a crime to use this "wasted" energy.true my bad theres no way id steal electricity you hear so many people getting busted because of it.... what i would do is find out when my neighbours were going on hols and tap a underground feed into there power supply it would be enough to run 1 or 2 lights offthen do the same with other side and you have free electricity for 4 lights
wouldnt recomend this idea if you like your neighbours.
Obtaining Electrical Energy without paying for it is easier than you think. Energy is so expensive primarily because of the way it is produced centrally & "shipped" along power lines to different areas. Power lines are notorious for bleeding out huge amounts of energy, if you set up your own power line running parallel (not touching, parallel!) to existing "hot" lines, your parallel line will receive a charge equal to that running through the main line! The Supreme Court has ruled that if Energy Companies cannot keep electricity inside their lines, it is not a crime to use this "wasted" energy.
I think he said 25? But i would think more like 5o lbs! In the medical bible theres a grow with 14 x 6oos over 4oo clones and they yielded 27 lbs,but i think it was top feed.
the aero seems like it would get you there so much faster!
Comercialo you have a shot of you room empty?
How large is the room? That is what ive been searching for!
That shouldn't be a problem, I know some people get a good bit more than that per light.
What nutrients do you use? Climate control? CO2?
you bypass the thingo that counts how much power you use forgot what its called. the only thing is so many people get caught this way because they notice power going missing and you get in abig trouble for that plus they find your grow.
How do you steal power?
I think that's the most pertinent question raised by this thread.