30 DAY EVICTION NOTICE! What would YOU do?!

I'm chivalry-bound to defend all fair maidens and ladies of title, unless they're found guilty of witchcraft or treason, in which case it's my duty to kill them and their henchmen

Not to be pedantic, but isn't the process of finding a witch guilty a trial by death?
ANY positive input or actual 1st hand experience would be GREATLY appreciated, please! Thanks guys!

I had a very similar situation but wasn't getting evicted. The homeowner wanted to sell the house and show it while I was in the middle of the lease. I COULD NOT have anyone walking through the house lmao. I tried to convince them to give me another 8 weeks but they wouldn't. We signed a new place and were moving within 2 weeks.
Now before I finished reading I was thinking at least your still in veg... if you have to stress them then thats the best time to do it. Mine were in the middle of flower.
We rented a truck and me and a family member loaded 14 plants all 6' tall into the back of a big uhaul truck it was a mess but I got them moved and set up in the new house. I ultimately harvested 13 plants but the stress really held them back bad. and they only gave me about an ounce each and one or two hermied.

I'm not sure where you are but you could do a small quick greenhouse in the woods somewhere and let them finish outdoors (depending on how cold it is where you are a greenhouse could keep them just warm enough).
Good luck either way.