30 days flowering (pics)


Well-Known Member
:clap: fucking beautiful big dog :clap:

im also on my 30th day yours look just a little bit ahead of mine

i wish i had enough room to grow as many as you did

harvest time is killing me.... its so close but so far!



Junior Creatologist
Both greenie and bigdog, you goth got some beautiful ass fuckin nuggets growin on there. Im 17 days into flowering n my buds are the size of M&Ms right now, lol - and my other plant thats growin all retarded is just NOW showin her pussy off as of this mornin. I am envious of the both of youz, n ill just throw a little bitta +rep action your way.

-posting pics of my cola envious plants tomorrow.



Junior Creatologist
Now, i gotta ask both green and big dog this - As far as topping or LStng goes, neither of you did either right? you didnt top at all?

Im askin cuz im wondering, does topping do anything to the plant besides causing her to produce slightly smaller colas? n the same with LST - if you guys were to have LST'd your plants, would the colas have become smaller because of it?? Im askin cuz my big girl is both LSTd n topped like a motherfucker, and all of the main tops on the plant are budding, and starting to fill in for about 3-4 inches down the branch. Do you think theyll end up with puny buds because of all of this??


Well-Known Member
i topped one of mine

but thats the theory behind it if you get lots of tops, youll have the same amount of buds possibly a little bit more, compared to just the one fat cola,

just the weight will be spread around evenly among the little buds

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
On this grow no topping and no LST but on my next grow I am going to clean the lower third of the plant and I might top 2 or 3 too see what comes of it !!!!

Dry weight = HOPEFULLY between 1 & 1.3lbs I will be really happy with this and if I pass that then I will have a bloody hard one non-stop for a week LOLLLLL

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Here's a Noob question......

When do you water ? Just before the lights go on or after they go off ? or while they are on ?????


There's treachery afoot
Yummy! Those budz look fantastic darlin, so plump and crystally.
Is that a word, crystally??? They look wonderful! Excellent job!
You should be very proud!


Well-Known Member
Mine is 17 days into flowering but doesn't look anything like any of yours, i can see the buds forming on the tops of the shutes but nothing near the middle, just the female white hairs, theres no way mine can get like that is there? mies a little stretched and at almost 4' :o btw the pictures are 2 days old



Well-Known Member
Mine is 17 days into flowering but doesn't look anything like any of yours, i can see the buds forming on the tops of the shutes but nothing near the middle, just the female white hairs, theres no way mine can get like that is there? mies a little stretched and at almost 4' :o btw the pictures are 2 days old
not in 30 days... try more light with your next grow and maybe you will be able to compare but good job it will be a fine smoke one day


Well-Known Member
not in 30 days... try more light with your next grow and maybe you will be able to compare but good job it will be a fine smoke one day
Lol i didn't think so, as long as i get a few smokes out of her it i will be happy with my test plant, ive got another 7 on the go which are doing alot better than she did in the early stages, so if i get a smoke i will be an happy man, ive got 16 18 watt cfl's in my grow room, so now i got a genral idea what to do they will all be getting replaced with the more expensive 100 watt ones (think they are the twisted type) :)
thanks for input

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
I vegged for 20 days from clones....they were 21" tall.
Then I chopped off all of the big sucker fan leaves and left only the leaves around potential bud sites.
I have been flowering since Sep.1 they are now 37" tall and pretty damn stinky...

This was done in a 4'X8' space under (1) 1000w. hps lamp

P.S. So if I understand watering at the moment the light comes on is the way too go ?


Well-Known Member
Nicely done. Have you any plans to put in Co2? Or more lights... for that 4x8 would you go w/ 2 1000w or 4 600?