30 days flowering (pics)

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
I presently have 13 plants in the 4X8 space.....

I have (3) 4X8 spaces too work with so now that I have almost completed my first grow from a to z I will add another light to a room and soon a third... I wanted to get a feel for one grow first before investing in a multi room op but within a week all should be up & running !!!!


Well-Known Member
Here's a Noob question......

When do you water ? Just before the lights go on or after they go off ? or while they are on ?????
P.S. So if I understand watering at the moment the light comes on is the way too go ?

too each his own, everyones a little different, i always water mine when the lights go off because i find that it drys out faster when the lights are on and the top layer gets super dry before the rest, but if i water at night, and let all the soil saturate then that top layer wont get as dry... not sure it matters to much tho

all i know is that you shouldn't foliar feed with the lights on


Well-Known Member
I vegged for 20 days from clones....they were 21" tall.
Then I chopped off all of the big sucker fan leaves and left only the leaves around potential bud sites.
I have been flowering since Sep.1 they are now 37" tall and pretty damn stinky...

This was done in a 4'X8' space under (1) 1000w. hps lamp

P.S. So if I understand watering at the moment the light comes on is the way too go ?
how big are those pots they are in and how long did u veg them girls for?
read all your questions will b answered


Active Member
thanks i am new to the compter stuff so if my posts are messes up sorry but the buckets they are in are what size cause i have a 4x8 wit i 1000 watter and just want my stuff to look like this so i want to know????????????


Well-Known Member
thanks i am new to the compter stuff so if my posts are messes up sorry but the buckets they are in are what size cause i have a 4x8 wit i 1000 watter and just want my stuff to look like this so i want to know????????????
a few posts down he tells you they are 10"pots
like i said read, thats what it's all about. actually i think he answered your questions 2 or 3 times already.... read it bro don't just post read before you post

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Thanks Tussel, I want to be polite but I am tired of repeating the same answers over & over LOL....

All is good though !


Well-Known Member
Thanks Tussel, I want to be polite but I am tired of repeating the same answers over & over LOL....

All is good though !
no problem i try to be polite too but usually come off as a dick but don't mean to be usually somtimes i can be harsh but really i love you all even the cops who come on to post about their super mega op of horse shit usually they get... no dice... and thats all, i think it's from a simpsons episode when they were goin to branson to get grandpa but accidentally went too bronson. great grow and i won't pester you about cutting off your leaves o ther then suckers are on tomatoe plants not weed and i don't pick them off either

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Damn I wanted too harvest this comming Monday but my gf and I will have the kids for the week so I have to stretch it out to NEXT week end.....

Everytime I look at my ladies I just want to take a bite off of a top cola LOLLLL


Active Member
alrught man sorry bout being a dumb ass but those look good and i i get how to read everything like i said new to this things called computer.