30 days into flowerin


Well-Known Member
Im not really sure. When should i harvest. Are there any tutorials for harvesting?

And i have a question, the airconditioning man is coming out to inspect since its going to start getting hot, which means he checks under the house.... I will have to move the plant in my attic which gets hot, but only for 1 day. It get get in the 90's depending on heat. Will my plant do ok with 1 day in hot. humid attic? (the forecast for when he is coming out, is high=low 80's)


Well-Known Member
Im not really sure. When should i harvest. Are there any tutorials for harvesting?

And i have a question, the airconditioning man is coming out to inspect since its going to start getting hot, which means he checks under the house.... I will have to move the plant in my attic which gets hot, but only for 1 day. It get get in the 90's depending on heat. Will my plant do ok with 1 day in hot. humid attic? (the forecast for when he is coming out, is high=low 80's)
Well sometimes situations arise where we have to things that arent really in the best interest of the plant. But security is way more important. If you can get power up there get a fan on the plant, just try not to blow dust all over your nicebuds. You should be fine just try to keep them up there for as little as possible you should be ok. They are resiliant plants.


Well-Known Member
Af far as harvest. You wanna get a magifying glass and look at your trichs. They should change from clear to a milky or smokey color. 70% of your hairs should be red. If so then its time to harvest. You only have a window of a couple days to harvest with peak potency before the dankness starts to degenerate. Also if you wait to long it will be a real slow, lethargic high. Not very pleasent. Just google "harvesting marijuana" or there should be plenty of help in this forum. Just look around instead of asking and waiting for a response. You have better luck finding what your looking for,


Well-Known Member
It doesnt stink that bad. lol that can be a good thing and bad. It does have an odour though. Here are pictures at 45 days flowering. And sorry for the poor quality i should have put the plants in the light, but i was about feed/water them.

nice looking cfl grow..imagine if u had a hps tho that plant would be real nice with alot more buds and they get alot denser with a hps


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that was one thing I noticed. I'm too much of a newb to say much of anything from experience, but it looked to me like the fan leaf removal might have gone overboard. The buds will suck up the nutrients from fan leaves when you're in late flowering.

Then again, the stems and buds look pretty damn good to me, so... whatever works for ya! :clap:
You only want to trim fans leafs to reveal buds that have been deprived of lights because of the fan leaves over head. If your plant has no fan leafs, your buds will not grow. Its the leafs that feed the plant, keep as many as you can but trim the large ones that block light to the smaller ones in and around the plant.