30 days....is it going to make it or should I start over??


Active Member
hey homie i had a plant that wus REALLY stunted.. its about 2 months right now, i got it on track a week or so ago
but ne ways just supporting you to keep em growing, mine just snapped outta it and grew an inch or 2 one day and hav been goin good since lol
the first pic is at day 29 and the second is of today (day 55)
jus saying for in the future dont pitch it till its doin REALLY bad, you never know what will happen if ya show it some love lol
Everything is looking good...appreciate the support....good lookin' out bro.
I am so glad I didn't pitch and start over...i even started germinating two more seeds ,because thats the direction I thought I was going in.
People advising me to start over...well the seeds didn't make it so I'm glad the plant did:clap:
Your plant looks like its definitley on the upside...Is this your first grow?
Lots to learn thats for sure...seeking the ever elusive perfect balance to stone me all day off one joint...
Now wouldn't that be sweet!!!!
Nice meeting you bro...add me to your contacts !
yea no problem man =) and yea this is my first grow, i started seeds when mine wus looking bad too haha they didnt make it lol they were in bad shape when i started germinating em
and yea im so glad its getting better everyday :) i swear theres more undergrowth everyday when i wake up lol and yea deffinatly alot to learn, i didnt think it wus as complicated as it when i first started. i figured i toss a seed in soil and put a light above it n it wud grow haha iv learned my lesson tho forsure!! ahhh i hope ill get my ladies that potent one day lol nice meeting you too homie, ill deffinatly b keeping an eye on ur plants =) and i added you


Active Member
I am going to top my girl and take clippings so secondary growth can take off and get 4 big colas..I hope...
cross your fingers friends...she is still under a foot but so bunched and compact...
clones going into worm casting and percilite ...wish me luck I hate to cut so far .....uncle ben...


Active Member
Here is a update after my cut and some trimming and tie down. I have some yellowing so I raised the light. ph is between 6.5 &6.7 humidity is being kept(full time job) in the 45-65 %...temps are between 70-85 deg farenheit
Please tell me what you think.
I feel like I'm driving blindfolded .
All comments are welcome please



Active Member
I would say get more lights because that thing is tiny for a month old.. My plant isnt even a month old and it is already 8 1/4 inches tall.
This thing ...is now 36 days from sprout...And I'm not growing for height...mine is going to bush ...then multi colas....I read several threads and posts...fun research...anyway thanks for your comments...you were right with the light
It took a long time to germinate like 30 friggin' days...and then the sprout was givin' me trouble so I put it under the hps and it took off..been topped and clipped .....