30 days old how do they look?


Well-Known Member
Hi. your plant looks healthy. But it is definitely small. What are you using for soil? It looks a little on the chunky side. It might not be ideal for your roots to thrive in, hence the small plant. Each leaf set should be bigger than the set before it. Yours are all same size (small). That is a sign of stunted growth. Not a big deal really, no need to freak out. Its in a pretty big pot. It might just be busy making a strong root foundation and the above ground part will eventually catch up.
Ditch the tinfoil. It reflects more heat than light. It reflects light your eye can see but not light the plant can use.
As far as fetilizer goes...if you must you can go to walmart and get some miracle grow N-P-K 24-8-16. https://www.rollitup.org/view.php?pg=faq&cmd=article&id=106
Its the most common fert you will find. And will work well for you, if you mix it 1/4 strength at first. use every other watering. And work your way up to half strength.
You can try some organic fertilizer. You can buy some online or from a garden center. You can make your own from molasses, compost, or worm castings. There are many many ways to go about feeding your plant. And it needs different nutrients at different stages of growth. try to learn about some of your options before you "just pick one"
I hope that helps ya some. Everything you need for a successful harvest is here at RIU. Happy growing and good luck!


Well-Known Member
move your lights closer..
they are 30 days so what are you feeding them. how many cfls are you using? and what kind of soil?.. also, lose the foil it if its not smooth it'll cause hot spots on the leaves and burn em


Active Member
yeah exactly wat he said and also i can see u only filled your pot half wiv soil try next time filling it about 1 inch from the top just gives it that little extra to grow


Well-Known Member
you can get some shultz 10 15 10 for vegg and then switch to shultz 2 7 7 for flowering, they sell it at the HD and its rather cheap. Just be careful and introduce it in to your waterings slowly so you minimize nute burn and make sure you ph your water to aruond 6.5 if your doing soil grow.


Well-Known Member
those plants are small 4 30 days...i kept my cfl on 4 24 hours,plant was a lil nush by the time ii put it outside....maybe ure lites dont have the rite spectrum
isnt one inch a little too close?? I had mine about half a foot away and it was still burning the leaves.. same lights and usuing mirrors :S


it dont matter i live in small town an only places that sell plat fert is like walmart lowes home depot??


Well-Known Member
I ran 2) 200 watt (and thats not the comparison wattage thats consumption) lights and ran them an inch or less off the leaves it will be ok. Dude I dont want to sound like an ass but unless you planted that seed deep in the ground and started your day count from then would that plant be looking good for its age. Its not like it isnt irreversible but the plant only has 60 to 80 days max in flower so how much bigger do you expect it to get if its only gotten this far in 30 days. I would say that plant even in a proper low light CFL setup should be at least 8-10 inches tall by now. IDK the rest of your setup but something environmentally wise is wrong maybe take some more pics of the lighting and setup you are using... Im very much here to help you bud but for me to tell you all looks good for a 30 day old plant isnt helping you. However, minus out the size / age and the plant itself looks good.


posting an image of a setup for you to see. since you are worried about how far to put the light, these are 2x 26W and 1x 55W CFLs at 6500K spectrum. keep them about 1-1.5" away.

this is at 20 days, to help you compare yours to 30 days of your growth.

light makes a massive difference. so does humidity.