@ 30 days too small???


Active Member
I just saw a picture of someone elses white widow and it looks about the same size as mine but theres was at 15 days...

So I got a bit scared and wondered if I am doing something wrong

please tell me if these are too small for a month old



Active Member
Thanks for the comment, I thought it might be someone pretending to be a much better grower than they were but im not sure if their lights were x20 better than mine or temperture was more humid or something so I thought it'd be best to ask


Well-Known Member
Are you using any growth nutrients on them?
What kind of lights are you using?
How far away are the lights?
What are your temps and humidity?
What is your watering schedule?


Active Member
Are you using any growth nutrients on them? <- nope
What kind of lights are you using? <- 3 20watt low k and 2 20 watt high k
How far away are the lights? around 3 and a half foot
What are your temps and humidity? 20 degrees celsius not sure about the humidity (
68 degrees Fahrenheit)
What is your watering schedule? once a week/whenever the soil is dry


Well-Known Member
if you want to them to grow a little faster start them on some growth nutes, and change you lights so that more 6500k(veg) bulbs are out than 2700k(flower). To me that is the man reason why they are smaller than the other person you saw. And move the lights closer to them so the plants can soak it up CFL's lose they power when they are far away from the plant 6-18"max.


Active Member
More light. I just took a few pictures of day 46 since seed - under 24/7 LED. You can see the CFL in the picture, and I use them, so I can see better, in the grow-room, and the added light doesn't hurt, but as you can see, the plants reach for the LED above - it's a lot stronger.
(-and it's only one 90w 'UFO')
The plant to the left, is being trained, and I will do the same to the plant to the right, and then provide one UFO - LED to each plant, to give them maximum light.

First time I'm trying LED - I'll keep you all posted



Active Member
okay thanks for that info, its much appreciated!! :)

I raised them, them so there is only about a 20 inches gap between the cfls and the plants

also @ high

are yours white widow? They look a lot different to mine


Well-Known Member
20 inches is still about 18 inches too high if you're using CFL's. they should be 2-4 inches maximum from the top of your plant(s).


CFL's you can safely put within a few inches of plants with no burn especiallyifthey're only small cfl's. Your plant needs nutes just like we need vitamins e.t.c. to grow strong. Your plant prob wasn't gettin enough light also but in the pic it looks in very good condition so thats a bonus. Maybe get some nutes ,up your feed schedule a bit, bring your lights closer and/or get bigger lights and you'll be well on you're way. If you're on a tight budget bring them lights down real close and add some basic nutes.


Well-Known Member
It also depends on how big the cutting was or the strain or if they were both started from seed.