300 Economists recommend legalization. 3 Noble laureates signed too.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I love this!

Your plans to celebrate 4/20 this Friday could actually make the government some money, if only such activities were legal. That’s according to a bunch of economists, and some prominent ones too.

More than 300 economists, including three nobel laureates, have signed a petition calling attention to the findings of a paper by Harvard economist Jeffrey Miron, which suggests that if the government legalized marijuana it would save $7.7 billion annually by not having to enforce the current prohibition on the drug. The report added that legalization would save an additional $6 billion per year if the government taxed marijuana at rates similar to alcohol and tobacco.

Read the rest here:



Well-Known Member
we've had quite the series of MJ activity in the last year or so
prop 19 didn't make it, but it was the closest yet to outright MJ legalization
we have the most visible pro MJ legalization presidential candidate yet, Ron Paul, he may not go much further, but it's all progress
and best of all, Obama got slapped around down in the Columbia meeting where a surprising number of national leaders told him they were sick of the USA's drug laws being forced down their throats
the dam is cracking, lets make it a flood


Well-Known Member
we have a prop in WA I-502 it would legalize the plant. put there are more issues with this measure than anything. that being. 40 grams is mis anything over and its a felony. if 502 is past 40 is felony. plus massive restrictions. its better to keep it medical than anything at this point. unless the legalization is going to make shit a lot better