$300+ {Rams-49ers parking prices are outrageous}

Let me see:

$300 to park
$500 for ticket
$25 in gas
$15 for hot dog
$20 for a beer
Over weight guy next to or in front of me
Drunkin' broad pushing her way pass me during biggest play of game
or the one screaming behind me spilling something on my back
Waiting 30 minutes in line to piss
No replay
No smoking
Barely even see players jersey #
Door ding in car from ass-wipe parking
Traffic in and out
Let the good times roll


Sit in comfy chair and watch on tv
""But some ticket-selling sites have parking spaces that cost more than a ticket.

On StubHub, the cheapest parking pass is around $370, but that spot is over a
mile away from the stadium. Some parking passes on-site are selling for over $4,200.
including one at the nearby Hollywood Park Casino over $5,000. ""
