Well-Known Member
^ home depot homie
what u hook it up to??
^ home depot homie
I just got back from Home Depot. Coudn't find the 300 Watt so I decided to get 6 42Watt CFL. They Only had the Soft white so I figured I'd go a head and get it. also some chords.
But I got home and realized I only have 2 Bulbs. I check my receipt and she rang up at least 5 of them.
So I guess I forgot a bag
Think they will let me get the stuff when I go up with my Recipt Tomorrow?
I woulda went back tonight, but im sure they will. They are a large company, they wont say no. Also if possible try and talk to the same cashier, they will know if u forgot something most likely. go back around the same time u did tnite, that way she/he will most likely be working.
I was going to go first thing in the morning. I was checking out right at closing so I can have a good chance.
Whats up guys, just woke up. Remembered that I said i would post a pic, so here ya go....
Check it out, 300W CFL
Yours looks like a 300watt replacement light....
I have two of them...What we're actually talking about is the 300watts(used)
well im just saying that light isnt what were talking about here...its only a 65watt flouro
2 to 200 Watt Compact Fluorescent Bulbs : 1000Bulbs.comshow me something bigger and I'll be amazed.... seriously...
... whatever manAwesome, hahaha Chill out man, this is the interweb talk is cheap