3000 Watt, Purple TrainWreck, KandyKush, OG Kush


Well-Known Member
First day of bud today, and this is the first round with my new setup which consists of:

3 Sun Leaves 1k Watt HPS Ballasts
Eye Hortilux Bulbs
6 inch vented system w/fresh air intake
Fox Farm - Ocean forest soil
Mylar lined walls
10 5 Gallon pots
5 10 Gallon pots
All Organic Nutrients from local grow store mixed with some A.N Products.

Strains are: Purple Trainwreck a buddy has bred. KandyKush and OG Kush.

I'm expecting a couple pounds from this grow we will see how it goes, questions and comments appreciated.



Well-Known Member
4/2/13 Day 6

Start of with some sexy pics of the purple trainwreck I pulled the seeds out of to start the purple train-wreck strain I now have. Funny thing is the "friend" who I got the weed from absolutely REFUSED to give me clones or seeds because this strain was his and he didn't want anyone to have it. Shouldn't have left seeds in your product then eh buddy? ;)


Growth has taken off as expected looked like they have put on 3-4 inches over the last week and have started to develop some nice bud sites. Here are some updated pics.


As always questions, comments, criticism welcome, thanks for checking my grow out!



Well-Known Member
4/6/2012, Day 10

Did alot of LST today (4-5 hours worth) Managed to get alot more bud sites to the top, they all look kinda scattered as they haven't adjusted to the light. Also did some thinning of lower crap. Let me know what you guys think!!!



Well-Known Member
4/10/2013, Day 14 (2 week mark)

Now that there is a fairly even canopy I haven't had to do much to em this week besides the regular moving around and adjustment. had to tighten up a few branches that took off more then others but from here on out I dont really like to do too much bending and tying so they are pretty much where they are going to stay unless its a slight adjustment.

Most of these are Kandy Kush


These are the OG's


Plant on the right is the purple trainwreck. as well as the pics afterwards.


Nute Mix is a bit acidic to start.


Mixed Kandy and OG




Active Member
Looks good man! I use FFOF too. I'd like to see a pic with the hps off though? Or a pic right when they turn on.
It's hard to really see the plant with the orange.
I'm running 3000 watts as well.


Well-Known Member
Hey good to have the company! Ya I'll snap some when the lights come on tomorrow night.


Well-Known Member
4/11/13, Day 15, Week 3

Took some pics of the veg/clone room today also to let you guys see whats brewing for next round, same strains. All I do for cloning is cut off a branch, slit the stem down the middle to expose the white goodness inside (dont remember the technical term), dip the stem in clonex, stick in rooting plug and place in the humidity dome. I mist 1-2 times a day and it stays pretty humid in there. I lose maybe 1/10 clones if that and they are usually crappy low branches that I lose I dont think I have ever lost a nice healthy top branch.

The veg room consists of a 400 and 1000 MH light and the clones are under a dual t5 2 footer. I dont use much nutes in this phase just organics diluted down pretty far since ffof is pretty hot as is, I dont really have to start giving them full on veg nutes untill they are 3-4 weeks old. All this soil is, is FFOF and 1 TBSP of dolomite lime per gallon of soil.

And here are some pics of how the flower room is looking I tried to take some pictures when the lights came on to help visibility, they came out a little better.



Well-Known Member
4/14/13 - Day 18 - Week 3

Hey guys its that time, the timers have clicked and the ballasts have shot thousands of watts down 5 different 10 gauge wires, through Sodium and Halide gases and miraculously made my MJ plants grow. Here are a couple pics from tonight, they are looking fantastic I think. The one OG plant is just taking off its literally double the size of any of the others and is impressing the shit out of me.

VEG Room:

Clones are all topped this go round Im trying to make my life easier tying them down through veg.

The Veg Room is just exploding with growth.

Bud Room:

Your mystery grower

Here is the OG plant just killin it.

Kandy Kush's

Purple TrainWreck

QUestions and comments appreciated, thanks for checking it out!


Active Member
Hey Air...
I have a few questions if you would oblige me...
How long do you veg your clones for?
Im assuming around two months?
you veg them out, lst, then when the others are done flowering you put them in?
Or I might assume your running perpetual?

How big are the clones you take?

When you lst, at what point of veg do you do this?

Whats your average pull per plant?

Im running clones that are pulled at about 5-7 inches, rooted, transplanted and veg for no longer then a week and then flowered.
Pull about 1oz per plant with it.
Trying to get my plant numbers down and im doing a little recon...

EDIT: forget my questions about topping


Well-Known Member
Hey friedrice believe it or not there is only 17 plants in my flower room and yes I have a veg room and flower room, you can see the pictures of the different rooms above. Most of the plants you see have about 8 main colas.

The clones veg pretty much the entire time plants are budding so about 2-3 months. Should also mention I keep them in 2.5 gallon squares and go light on nutes to keep the growth down a bit, Ive had them in 5 gals before and ended up with 4-5 foot tall veggers which wasn't good haha

The clones that I take are usually very healthy top branches off my mother plants, they are usually about 8 inches tall and have 4 nodes or so of vigorous growth and root in about 7-10 days.

Weather I top my clones or not depends on the type of growth they are doing if they are stretchy and lanky then they are gonna get topped. But if lst can give me an even canopy full on nodes I will just go that route.

I start LST when I notice the top is taking off a lot more than the bottoms and that is usually about a week after the clones are rooted well and out of the humidity dome.

I average about 3-4 ounces a plant which usually gives me a little over a pound per 1k light. Not great but not bad for soil.


Active Member
Hey friedrice believe it or not there is only 17 plants in my flower room and yes I have a veg room and flower room, you can see the pictures of the different rooms above. Most of the plants you see have about 8 main colas.

Yeah I shouldve been paying attention, ive been skipping through alot of threads and lost track.

The clones veg pretty much the entire time plants are budding so about 2-3 months. Should also mention I keep them in 2.5 gallon squares and go light on nutes to keep the growth down a bit, Ive had them in 5 gals before and ended up with 4-5 foot tall veggers which wasn't good haha

That is what I was going to ask you next is what size pots you veg in. So you up can when they go into flower in either 5 or 10 gallon pots right?
If so, how do you feed when that happens? Considering the up can into the new soil would carry nutes, but not the old dirt...
Do you not give them any nutes when you up can and when do you upcan? Im assuming around 1 week or so before they go into flowering?

The clones that I take are usually very healthy top branches off my mother plants, they are usually about 8 inches tall and have 4 nodes or so of vigorous growth and root in about 7-10 days.

Weather I top my clones or not depends on the type of growth they are doing if they are stretchy and lanky then they are gonna get topped. But if lst can give me an even canopy full on nodes I will just go that route.

I start LST when I notice the top is taking off a lot more than the bottoms and that is usually about a week after the clones are rooted well and out of the humidity dome.

It looks like you lollipop as well... Well with some plants at least.. Why do you lollipop some plants but not others? At what nodes do you lollipop up too and at what point of veg do you do the deed?

I average about 3-4 ounces a plant which usually gives me a little over a pound per 1k light. Not great but not bad for soil

Not bad at all man.. Keep up the good work..


Active Member
Im kind of interested in these "organic" nutes that your talking about...

When you say that do you mean your making teas or using a bottle feed that is claiming to be organic?
Sorry if I sound offensive about "claiming" to be organic, I dont mean to be, just trying to get an idea of where your at...

Im just trying to figure out if the nutes in bigger pots have enough nutrients to sustain the plant for a while without deficiencies or if you need to feed them. If you dont need to feed them how long does the soil in the bigger pots sustain the plant for?


Well-Known Member
I have 5 of my mothers that have outgrown my pots in this round that were root bound in 5 gals. So those got 10 gal pots.

The 2.5 gal veggers go into 5 gal pots.

I use very light nutes during the first few weeks of flower and basically just look at the end of my leave tips to see how much nutes I should be giving them. I would say I only feed 1/4 strength nutes during this phase. But as I said you can tell if you are over feeding if you pay close attention to your leave tips every day, and base your next feeding off the information they give you.

Yes I start light flower nutes a week before flower.

And my lollipopping is basically me being lazy and not wanting to trim lower buds, once I get all my plants set up and in the room I check out the bottoms of the plants and based of experience I can tell what undergrowth inst going to produce much, I cut most of it away. basically if its real shady or cluttered with other branches it goes. Anything that has a decent light path stays. Also if its within 2 feet from the top of the canopy usually stays too. Its mainly just judgment. I haven't noticed this hurting my yield as some people may argue. All this is done first week of flower, usually first couple days. It doesn't seem to shock them, but maybe I will try doing it during veg this next round to see if it helps out my yield a bit.

I pretty much use all methods available to keep a nice even canopy and focused on the top 2 feet of the plant.

Also I'm constantly rotating these things and turning them. I try to rotate twice a day. And I switch spots once ever 2 days ideally I aim for every day but when they are heavy and full of water Its a pain in the ass. Also this changes when they are late in flower and fragile with the weight of bud. I try not to move them as much then and usually just rotate 90 degrees as often as possible.


Well-Known Member
The nutrients I use are unique to the area I'm in. They are actually manufactured by a grow store in my area. They are all organic and seem to work very good. The record I have heard from people using these is 2.2 pounds for a 1k watt light. So they have potential. I could give you some more details of the ingredients if you are interested.


Well-Known Member
Im just trying to figure out if the nutes in bigger pots have enough nutrients to sustain the plant for a while without deficiencies or if you need to feed them. If you dont need to feed them how long does the soil in the bigger pots sustain the plant for?
The nutes in the soil seem to be strong for about 2-3 weeks after the transplant. After that I slowly up their dose, but I have never been full strength.


Well-Known Member
Here friedrice, took some pics of the nutrients for you. I use all of these usually about 1-2 tsp per gallon is full strength on them, some are 1-2tbsp such as the carbon, and the bone meal. I usually dont go this high however.
