Excellent - I really like your setup
How much did the tent,lights, O-zone generator, Co2 and the rest of your equipment cost in total? I know it'll be worth it after your 1st harvest its profit all the way!
Do you have a in-line fan on your intake or does the lighting/out take Carbon Filter just pull air through passivly at a steady rate? I tought I'd mention it...You say your using an O-Zone Generator..As I'am sure your aware the smell they create whilst purifying the "grow smells" is simarlar to an electrical rain storm
I feel I should mention though that although they work great and are used in old peoples home and certain hospitals they are also renouned for causing CANCER (not cool)!!! If you are happy with the presummed non GANJE. smell an open window and oscillating fan in the room the tent is in will relieve the Cancerous build up and also stop residue from condensating on your windows
If you have covered this my oppologies.
I see you have covered Co2 for better growth..Have you considered UV-B lighting for a THC boost at the end 2 week stage before lights off and Harvest? I have spoken with a couple of other RIU Members (Daniels & ) and we're all including this new recommendation in our grows. Have you considered Hydro/DWC or do you just prefer Soil? - STELTHY