303 meltdown


Well-Known Member
This strain is one most anticipated that i got going right now for my patients. They are really excited from the description

"Sore, tight, stressed, can't sleep, overwhelmed by life? Time for a Meltdown! This plant will melt away your aches and pains and wind down the madness and chaos in your overstressed mind. 303 Seeds company has worked our patient favorite Bubblegum x Blueberry cut with the CBD rich Z7 from the CBD Crew to bring you feminized CBD rich plants with calming, relaxing potency. This is the plant we recommend for first time cannabis users.

The Bubblegum x Blueberry mom tests at 15% THC. A quick finish, rock solid nuggets of buttery sweet fruity goodness, and yields that will keep you in the green. She has a smooth, lightly narcotic effect that builds with increased consumption. The Z7 used for this pollination has tested as high as 15% CBD with THC levels up to 10%. She stretches like a sativa, but finishes quickly in just over 7 weeks. With incredible trichome production, berry terpene profile, and medically relevant CBD levels the Z7 is a patient favorite in Colorado.

Cannabinoid Content:
THC: 10-16%
CBD: 4-15%

Note: Cannabinoid content varies and can change significantly based on plant health, grow techniques, nutrients, flowering time, etc. Our testing is based on organic soil grown samples where the plant was flowered to maturity."

I got 7 of them in flower right now in a couple different pots and a couple different mediums. I got a couple in hempy buckets that are going stretch city. Anyone else have experience with this one?

How's the final product?

Once I got something worthy il get some pics up but the ones that are the farthest along are only 2 weeks in or so. Gimme another couple weeks.

Anyone run their other CBD strains?
I don't have any answers for you, but I'd add that this one is on my "short list" and I'm also very interested in feedback, both in seeing pictures of the plant, plus feedback on bud quality, and effect.

So I'm subscribed to this one, and look forward to seeing what you've got.

FWIW, I think its interesting that 303 se-eds is explicitly recommending this one for new/first time smokers. To me that means they're emphasizing quality over absolute potency.

Hard to know what to make of their cannabinoid description. Taking it at face value, seems like this one "should" put out about a 1:1 THC:CBD profile, which is one of the "target" medical profiles that people seem to like. This one has only been available commercially as se-eds for a relatively short time (a few months as of this posting, IIRC), but buds are out in CO dispensaries, and you can get it.
Il try not to disappoint! I just put in a DIY co2 that I'm hoping will improve overall room performance. It's been semi hot in my room too and they have all been thriving. 82 degrees average all last week. Had to rework alot of things. Got it back down to 74 now.

Definitely extremely stretchy. I thought I was putting them in early and it seems to be about on time. I didn't top any of them either. Idk really why but I kinda wanted to see how they came out if I just let them go. I haven't done barely any defoliating either. The stretch seems to eliminate the need really.

I got 3 fairly older patients that are inexperience smokers that this one is really for. I'm thinking its gonna be about 1 to 1 like you said maybe 10% 10%? Or so would be nice. I'm thinking its gonna be a very mellow and not anxious strain. They talk about "melting down" after all.

So far 2 are starting to have a berry candy smell. Just developing flowers barely. 2 of them are kinda herbal sagey smelling but they are a week or so behind the first 2. The last 3 are staggered in and are just starting to do anything but one is very very skunky. Stunk my veg area up big time.

Il get some more updates when I get a chance.
Who sells their gear besides tude?


I'm about to take down my outdoor Z7 (I believe this is the mother of the Meltdown since the clone was sourced from one of the 303 crew). She smells very fruity. I can only imagine how fruity Meltdown will be.

I've got Meltdown queued up for round 2 of the indoor crop this winter, probably starting them around January.

I've run and/or sampled Shooting Star, Grape Ultra, NL#5 Citrus mom (mother of Aurora) and Aspen OG. None have disappointed ...

I'm about to take down my outdoor Z7 (I believe this is the mother of the Meltdown since the clone was sourced from one of the 303 crew). She smells very fruity. I can only imagine how fruity Meltdown will be.

I've got Meltdown queued up for round 2 of the indoor crop this winter, probably starting them around January.

I've run and/or sampled Shooting Star, Grape Ultra, NL#5 Citrus mom (mother of Aurora) and Aspen OG. None have disappointed ...

30$ stealth WTF
they are still a relatively small enterprise, and the demand fof their gear is rather high. their pricea are also reasonable, so yeah, they usually sell out very quickly.

I think most of their beans are earmarked for legal sale within CO, leaving quite a bit less for international distribution.
I'm fairly certain that they have two operations for seed production. The one in Colorado is fully compliant with our medical marijuana laws so they don't ship out of state. The other one is somewhere outside the US and that's the one filling orders for the seedbanks.

I imagine they are both pretty small. I know one of the main guys here in CO and this is not his "day job", although it is a dream to get there. These guys are straight up. They mostly do it for the love and I think it shows in their finished product.
Interesting. They wouldn't have any or be planning any Colorado Cough crosses? :D

I'll have to do some digging.

I think my Bruce banner has that in it. I've heard it called several different things but people always refer to it with the same reverence. Colo cough. Ft Collins cough. Colo cut of strawberry cough.

What makes it so good ogevil? I just keep hearing about it, it's gotta be somethin.
The story is it's a version of NLxHaze from American sourced genetics. Just a winner phenotype of extreme sativa frosty goodness. Not dutch related and as such I'd love to have it on some level in my seed stash especially since I killed all my Caramel Coughs - I will be getting more.


How many weeks into flower is this one? Is it five?

How does she smell?


Could you give us a shot that shows the whole plant to get some sense of the overall structure?