Wow, that pollen could come in very useful. I was considering crossing the 303 NL monster with a Blueberry after reading about a NLxBB strain in this forum. I have a female BB right now, but won't have an isolation tent set up for a couple weeks... DB, any chance you can keep that male going for a couple weeks, maybe grab some magic dust?

oh it might not be too huge a task I guess. I'll give it a go, I actually have a 4by4 tent doing nothing but sitting there.
ww-5-20-2013 001.jpgCuttings came from these healthy ladies, my first group to try out the Jack's hydro feeding system. Actually, a WWxNL monster cross sounds like it might have possibilities. Huge frosty buds are a good thing.
Hmm, how bout white light star berry (star berry is what original Americans called the blueberry before the white man arrived) kinda sounds more exotic. And yes it sounds like there's some potential there kind of lots of berry citrus piney maybe hazed skunky thing going on.. I'd be interested to try some. But let's get you guys on the ww x nl5 monster first! I think that could really bring fourth some stoney goodness!
I'm smoking on some Bio Diesel, and I love this shit! Tastes great! I didn't grow it nor do I know how did. I wouldn't mind giving it a go though.
If he is a male and u wanna skip the whole collection thing, just veg him till u have a female you think is a candidate flip him 10-14 days after you flip her and let em chill for 2-3 days after he starts dropping pollen, roadhouse!
I was gonna try collecting pollen rather than putting some females in with them. I've just never really done this and last time(which is actually my first time) I attempted collecting it I only got 1/2 g. probably could have swept the tent floor for some but I didn't.
I'll rig some panda plastic to collect it I guess. can't run two males at the same time since I only have one area free for pollen collection. I may just tie it over a tote and let the shit drop in there.