30ft x 8ft insulated container


Well-Known Member
with that space if you want to do it right gooo 1000watt all the way,,,use solarmax1 bulbs as the have both mh and hps in one bulb

if you do 1000 (i do) het the super HPS's bulbs for like 20usd its worth it.

dude i hope you have good insulation because in my minds eye i see....

a big ole metal frieght container (like on big ships) and i am super jealous but if thats the case it will be a glowing beacon of IR energy oustide. and i mean like the luxor in las vegas bright i hope its not metal and thouroughly bug bombed and sealed for th environment.

all in all i think my dick just shrunk up in me... youll have a way badder garden then me at this rate in like an hour:evil:

good luck


Well-Known Member
IF I were you I would divide the room into two sections so you could have continous harvest. in the half for vegging I would have a couple tables/shelves set up for clones with t5 flouros, and for the main vegging area I would have 2 1000 watt metal halide and 2 or 3 600 HPS. For the flowering I would have 6 600 watt sodiumsand maybe a 1000 watt halide in there somewhere of course this depends if you want to have that high of a electric bill.


Well-Known Member
Also completely line your walls with mylar to maximize your lights, or a highly reflective white paint.


Well-Known Member
Dude if it were me, and its not (thank god) I'd study SOG growing techniques, you'll have a perpetual harvest every 45 days. I agree with what one poster said about having the veg room a 3rd the size of the flowering room too. I would also assume this container is outside and heat will be a problem, I'd use as many T-5's as possible, HPS lighting is only going to make matters worse, you can do a nice job with T-5 HO's and you'll save a ton of money in the end. You need to read dude!
Be careful out there.


Well-Known Member
T5s couldnt light that area as well as a few HID HPSs and MHs specially flowerring


Well-Known Member
Air, while that may be true, he has alot going against him, 1st he has to deal with the smell properly, (read that as an increase in electric usage) failure to do so, and he'll get busted. he'll have to deal with cooling in the summer, (read that as an increase in electric usage), fail this and the crop is dead. As we contimue the electric bill is growing by leaps and bounds, add some fans & pumps and timers and what not, and dare I warn that if you dont pay and you steal the electric, your busted!! On your 1st commercial grow the profit margin sucks, its the next grow that pays off. If he goes with T-5's he can do a grow, (with experience) as good as any other lighting, save 70% on electric costs (overhead) and actually show a profit 1st time out.
I have to tell ya, I have seen some pretty impressive grows based on T-5's.


Well-Known Member
Hi There

We're new too growing and wondering if you could help us in what too buy we own a 30ft x 8ft insulated container. We're wondering what lights too buy and other stuff. We're starting for nothing so all tips r very helpfull for us. We have been offered a Ecosystem growing system and wondering if there any good and how they work etc. Like I said we are completeley new too growing and we need some helpfull advice. Our containor is a proper container witch you can buy and is properly insulated. Now we do want too start with growing in the container but not straight away. We wondering whats the best lights too buy for the contaior and fans etc. Please can you all try and help me thank you for your time

Go to the front page of Newbie and click on the title videos!!!!


Well-Known Member
get a hydrohut. fully contained and is 8'2" x 4' 2" (7' tall). you can run 3 hid systems and exaust them easily. get 2 or 3!


Well-Known Member
Sorry but I'm not really all that impressed with this size. You will need to have a couple of feet of room around at least 3 side of the room or you won't be able to tend your plants. That cuts the 20x8 down to a livable 16x 6 growing area. Still pretty impressive. That still leaves you with a ten x 6 flowering area. If you flower at one plant/ sq ft thats 60 plants and trust me on this one from experience, that is plenty for a first grow. If you were to have 3- 1000 watt HPS light you could increase that to more plants per sq ft
but I'm not sure I would increase this for a first grow.


Well-Known Member
Wow, this would be so much fun. I am an engineer by trade and you have my mind spinning with ideas. ;)

Do you own your own property? If it were me, I would make a storm cellar out of the container. Bury it under the ground. This will keep it cool in the summer and warm in the winter. It will also give you a legitimate reason for having a container and provide some stealth. No light leaks 4' under and very unlikely to be picked up by IR, no matter what your using for light.

Once underground I would put a false steel wall have way down the container which matches the other walls, but I am a bit paranoid. (OK, maybe a lot.)

I would take advantage of being underground and use an active carbon scrubber for ventilation. It will use the area vegetation to clean the carbon. If designed right, should last a lifetime without maintainance. The idea was develop by NASA. Send me a private message if your interested. I will not bore everyone with the details.

There are far smarter people on here for lighting than I, but with such an environment, you could get very creative.

One thing for sure, please keep us posted. It will be a lot of fun to see what you do with your new container and how things develop/proceed.

Happy gardening....



Well-Known Member
Split it into rooms. Puchase several 1000w hps for the flower room. Veg room with either MH lamps or FLourescents, and then a Mother/clone room with Flouros and MH.