30x scope

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Anybody know where to get a 30x scope Ive lost mine and have checked radio shack.They dont carry them.Ive bought the 60x-100xand its worthless.Anybody know where to get one in the southern US,any help would be great.(even on line).peace
No answer for you sorry, but I think the 60x-100x works great, just curious what your issue is with it, if you don;t mind?
Maybe mines fucked up,you cant see shit out of it.I might need to take it back.It never focuses in,its just one big blur...peace
I always use white background and have never had a problem focusing, unless the lens is a bit dirty. But if you want a 30x just go on amazon.com an pick one up, while you're there get some of your xmas shopping done.
Mr. Therapy Man

You scope is jacked for sure I have had the 60x -100x for years and it always works like a charm

Go to another radio crack in the area there is more than one around I am sure