32 Gal Trash Can Outdoor Grow?

I would just run it as a normal bubbleponic system, If you can start in a smaller bucket so your not wasting all those nutes on the change. Ive never pictures but heard of people doing it. as long as it wasnt to windy it work act the same. Just put a net pot in the lid and four air stones.


or did you mean make the trash can a hydro set up? If that's what you meant that's genius. I'm gonna try that, one HUGE GRAND DADDY Outside Hydro Trashcan system. What size pump, net, what kinds of stones, any recommendations/advice?


Active Member
ya definitely put holes in the bottom and make sure the bottom inch or 2 of that barrel is rocks for drainage purposes!


Active Member
No i meant trash can bubble ponics what makes the water oxygenated is the churning at the top i would assume a four eight inch air stones would be more than enough. But you should start with a bubble bucket so your not using full nutes while the root ball is growing, make sense?
No i meant trash can bubble ponics what makes the water oxygenated is the churning at the top i would assume a four eight inch air stones would be more than enough. But you should start with a bubble bucket so your not using full nutes while the root ball is growing, make sense?
i know what you mean

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This is my suggestion. I would buy some ten gallon grow bags, white on the outside to reflect that sun from heating the roots to death and black on the inside to protect the roots from light. Roll them down halfway and fill them with some decent soil. The tap root won't be able to go down real far which tells the plant to start going outwards and that's what will give you a nice bushy plant that isn't ten feet tall.

And it's cheap.