kid cannabis
Well-Known Member
wow that isnt do you get a discount from your buddy at the power company?
wow that isnt do you get a discount from your buddy at the power company?
damn thats pretty good i spend 120 usd and my setups are only 400 watts total
yea its fucked up in the city.... i might spend 180-200 if i had your setup.....
Thats crazy. I waste so much power tooI prolly got 1000 of fans running, I dont even know how many watts my 8000BTU ac pulls and I always leave lights on all over my apartment.
I should prolly start turning them off more.
WOW BRO, THOSE ARE LOOKING VERY VERY VERY GOOD. ITS A 10 IF I MUST SAY SO MY SELF. how much longer do you think the got? what's up with the super dark ones? they look danm purple to me! and i was just wondering you did say it was 1 1000 water on a 6' ft light rail? thanks man GROW ON!!!!!!
shit man, i run 2400w plus prolly another 700 or so of fans n chit and my bill is 400 usd a month and i dont even have AC!! LOL sucks lol and thats only using about 1000 kwh a month too. i have buddies whos bill is over 2 grand a month lol its redic
ill have to look at my bill, but there are like 4 tiers, and you can use a certain number of kwh in each tier, before you go to the next, more expensive one.. i can look and see what they charge but i usually just pay it and dont look at it LOL i dont wanna