32 new babies hit the dirt.

you pm'd me this info before your first (current) run in the growbox. u said u was expecting as much as 6lbs. your exact words were 2-3 every 5 weeks. one would assume this means half and half in the tent.

3lbs is not a bad yield, esp for your ineffiecient set up, light leaks, burning, lollipop'n, whatever.

i don't believe you cropped 3lbs, and those pics are proof enough. it aint 3lbs dryed and cured.

any good grower can grow 3lbs+ under 2 600's, whether it can be done with your homemade renee genetics, i dont kno. maybe it isnt even possible because your breeding was wack, just like your growing conditions.
you pm'd me this info before your first (current) run in the growbox. u said u was expecting as much as 6lbs. your exact words were 2-3 every 5 weeks. one would assume this means half and half in the tent.

3lbs is not a bad yield, esp for your ineffiecient set up, light leaks, burning, lollipop'n, whatever.

i don't believe you cropped 3lbs, and those pics are proof enough. it aint 3lbs dryed and cured.

any good grower can grow 3lbs+ under 2 600's, whether it can be done with your homemade renee genetics, i dont kno. maybe it isnt even possible because your breeding was wack, just like your growing conditions.

Find the quote where I said 6-7 lbs. Jesus Christ do you have nothing better do do?!?

I was going to do a perpetual grow, but I am renting a fucking condo. The pictures dont show all 32 plants drying you illiterate dipshit. Its the last 16 plants, Your a fuckwad, Im seriously getting bloody annoyed. Go start your own thread if you want to complain. Seriously, just go away, you managed to turn the last 3-4 pages of this thread into bickering and BS.... Your not wanted here. Just go...

Im a pretty passive person, it takes a lot to piss me off. You have 50 posts in this forum and not one of them is anything Useful...:roll:

How do you know how I bred the seeds dip shit? Fuck your annoying.

call it ironic, but if i saw u walking down the street id feel the need to punch u in your head too
You make some rather large assumptions, and its kind of funny, you think everything you assume is true.

Your seriously a fucking douchebag. You have no friends, no life, nothing. You cant even gain acceptance on a forum. Its actually pretty sad.

hey BC, do u grow legally?. like medically or what? cuz how can u get away with all thoes plants and giant tent?.

What do you mean how? No one knows where I grow, I steal a wireless internet signal, so even if they could somehow get my ip from me going to a bait site from the forum, it wouldnt matter anyway.

....And I live in Canada so its not a major crime for 32 plants, I try to stay under 50 total, just in case anything ever did happen. To answer your question, no I dont grow legally, but I do grow Lawfully.

I rent condos till I can buy one. I have the tent and all my gear set up so I can take it down in about 6 hours of hard work, and move it if I have to....like I did last week. :cuss:

I clear out, clean up, and move on. I just looked at a place this morning should be perfect for the next run.

The tent is how I get away with all those plants...lol. Once the tent is set up it looks nice and clean, and I can just keep the bedroom closed, I run enough carbon filters with a nice negative pressure that I never have any odor issues, it smells worse from me toking all day..lol

HAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA thats a real good one! respeck. ahahahahahaha

Do you really have nothing better to do? Seriously? 80% of your posts on this site are probably you bitching on my thread.

Just go, dont reply, just go. You can write "hahaha" in Capitols all you want, and spell respect like a retard, it doesnt get your point across any better. It just makes it look like you couldnt think of a better response then "Good one! :dunce:"

No one cares what you have to say, why do you bother replying? Why not unsubscribe this thread and just go do your own thing. Nothing productive has come out of you being here.

What do you mean how? No one knows where I grow, I steal a wireless internet signal, so even if they could somehow get my ip from me going to a bait site from the forum, it wouldnt matter anyway.

....And I live in Canada so its not a major crime for 32 plants, I try to stay under 50 total, just in case anything ever did happen. To answer your question, no I dont grow legally, but I do grow Lawfully.

I rent condos till I can buy one. I have the tent and all my gear set up so I can take it down in about 6 hours of hard work, and move it if I have to....like I did last week. :cuss:

I clear out, clean up, and move on. I just looked at a place this morning should be perfect for the next run.

The tent is how I get away with all those plants...lol. Once the tent is set up it looks nice and clean, and I can just keep the bedroom closed, I run enough carbon filters with a nice negative pressure that I never have any odor issues, it smells worse from me toking all day..lol


i meant like.. are u allowed to grow legally?

i didnt know it was all hidden

oh i was just curious.. like damn your brave. im nervous of just havin like 2 or 3 haha and u have over 30.. but that is true about canada
once i get my perpetual going ill have 8 in veg and 16 in flower at all times in the states.... and i have room mates i have to decieve. if you want it enough like bc does youll do anything
i honestly planned to leave a couple pages back, and i was honestly considering sending you or other heads clones, then i puffed a bone, and thought yeah ill still do that, but ill mail everyone male clones hahahaha then i thought nah fuck the whole ish. peace out small fries
Is it just me or did ur bud turn out super airy? it doesn't look like dense nugs at all in the pics i saw, but i dint look thru the whole thread either. Are u gonna run a different stain for your next batch?
i meant like.. are u allowed to grow legally?

i didnt know it was all hidden

oh i was just curious.. like damn your brave. im nervous of just havin like 2 or 3 haha and u have over 30.. but that is true about canada

100% Illegal. But I am completely Lawful in all my endeavors.

I dont steal, commit fraud, or hurt anyone, so I dont break any actual laws. Just a few acts and statutes. :wink:

Its not "hidden". I live in a 1 bedroom condo, I only rent from people that are private owners and only own one or 2 places. I always avoid rental buildings because they have on site managers/landlords.

I live in the living room, and the single bedroom is 100% dedicated to the grow, or it was anyway. I had the tent, and in the closet I had a veg set up, and the rest of the room was for air exchange and storage.

Im moving into a 2 bedroom so it should be a little better. Im not in any way worried about cops or anything, Im way too small time for them to even care. Theres way too many grows in BC as it is, and I live in the grow op capitol of Canada. Im more worried about landlords finding out, because people might get mad, they dont really understand the situation and assume every grower is a gang banger with guns, and selling crack and heroin.

I have a certain way of screening landlords/agents when I do walkthroughs. Simple body language and even the right questions make all the difference. I always ask the inspection/walkthrough policy, but I throw it in with a bunch of other questions. Like instead of just asking how often they do walkthroughs, I will say

"Is there anything else I would want to know before applying? I have a small cat, he is neutered, etc, I dont smoke often but when I do I smoke outside. What is your walkthrough policy? My last landlord would do inspections whether I was there or not, its always nice if we can both arrange to be there."

I try to ask a bunch of general questions instead of strait up asking when they do inspections...that would be kinda obvious. Anyway, the place Im moving, I said that to the lady, she said they will do a walkthrough when I move in (to see current damage), and once a year with 48 hours notice...lol.

Dont be afraid to ask critical questions, just throw it in with a bunch of other stuff so it doesnt sound like your fishing for a grow house. Its good to get them thinking you work out of town a lot too, its always nice to be able to say your gone for a few weeks...if you need time to clean up or finish a crop.

Anything is possible if your determined and plan everything out. The most important thing of all is to Plan for Failure. I go into a new place Knowing I very well may be moving out in 2 months if things start going bad. Hope for the best and plan for the worst.

Few more months and I will have a mortgage, once I own a place then I can set up a real grow room. :twisted:

The only reason I use the homebox is because I wanted to design a "crop kit" a 100% portable grow op that can be transported and set up again in under 12 hours with out leaving any major damage to the property.

It would be nice to be more efficient, but until then Portability is the most important thing for me.

Is it just me or did ur bud turn out super airy? it doesn't look like dense nugs at all in the pics i saw, but i dint look thru the whole thread either. Are u gonna run a different stain for your next batch?

Not airy at all. Sativa dominant strain and a shitty camera.

i honestly planned to leave a couple pages back, and i was honestly considering sending you or other heads clones, then i puffed a bone, and thought yeah ill still do that, but ill mail everyone male clones hahahaha then i thought nah fuck the whole ish. peace out small fries

So why didnt you?? :confused:

Your still here, with yet again another useless post. Wow, thats quite the plan you had there, and you said I would have tampered with the clones?

You really think Im gonna give you my address to send them to? I would have probably gave you the address for a local police station and waited to read about your dumb ass in the paper...:lol:

100% Illegal. But I am completely Lawful in all my endeavors.

I dont steal, commit fraud, or hurt anyone, so I dont break any actual laws. Just a few acts and statutes. :wink:

Its not "hidden". I live in a 1 bedroom condo, I only rent from people that are private owners and only own one or 2 places. I always avoid rental buildings because they have on site managers/landlords.

I live in the living room, and the single bedroom is 100% dedicated to the grow, or it was anyway. I had the tent, and in the closet I had a veg set up, and the rest of the room was for air exchange and storage.

Im moving into a 2 bedroom so it should be a little better. Im not in any way worried about cops or anything, Im way too small time for them to even care. Theres way too many grows in BC as it is, and I live in the grow op capitol of Canada. Im more worried about landlords finding out, because people might get mad, they dont really understand the situation and assume every grower is a gang banger with guns, and selling crack and heroin.

I have a certain way of screening landlords/agents when I do walkthroughs. Simple body language and even the right questions make all the difference. I always ask the inspection/walkthrough policy, but I throw it in with a bunch of other questions. Like instead of just asking how often they do walkthroughs, I will say

"Is there anything else I would want to know before applying? I have a small cat, he is neutered, etc, I dont smoke often but when I do I smoke outside. What is your walkthrough policy? My last landlord would do inspections whether I was there or not, its always nice if we can both arrange to be there."

I try to ask a bunch of general questions instead of strait up asking when they do inspections...that would be kinda obvious. Anyway, the place Im moving, I said that to the lady, she said they will do a walkthrough when I move in (to see current damage), and once a year with 48 hours notice...lol.

Dont be afraid to ask critical questions, just throw it in with a bunch of other stuff so it doesnt sound like your fishing for a grow house. Its good to get them thinking you work out of town a lot too, its always nice to be able to say your gone for a few weeks...if you need time to clean up or finish a crop.

Anything is possible if your determined and plan everything out. The most important thing of all is to Plan for Failure. I go into a new place Knowing I very well may be moving out in 2 months if things start going bad. Hope for the best and plan for the worst.

Few more months and I will have a mortgage, once I own a place then I can set up a real grow room. :twisted:

The only reason I use the homebox is because I wanted to design a "crop kit" a 100% portable grow op that can be transported and set up again in under 12 hours with out leaving any major damage to the property.

It would be nice to be more efficient, but until then Portability is the most important thing for me.


wow that is a really great idea.. like i would have a hard time with renting things with landlords cuz i dont trust anyone especially going through my stuff

but people say im good with words so i think i could manage some questions without making it suspicious

and thats true. as long as ur not a bad person and the cops dont know u or u have a bad reputation u should be allset

and a permenant grow room is choice but its always nice to have a backup portable