32 new babies hit the dirt.


Well-Known Member
Yep a fan and filter make a world of difference. For youe smell and heat. Its something to have like you said if the coppers show up your through. Looking good bc i agree about the moven them around helped us to get a lil more on our last couple of harvest


Well-Known Member
after all this time i cant believe i never thought to check ur grow i just read most of it. that kush fella made it entertaining what an idiot. im sure hes one of those people that always makes a fool of himself around others if anyone even hangs with him. and i bet his pillows have drool stains and bed smells like piss. anyways i was lookin at all those nutes ur usin and make me think i need somthin else im usin gh florobloom and micro in the first pic and i just picked up this other supernatural thats a 1 part only nute thats supposed to be good the foxfarm ill try on the next grow. oh yeah its funny u mentioned in here somewhere about usin less water as they mature cuz i was just thinking about that lately mine have been too i started out once every 2 days and now its like three and today will be 4. im watchin now lookin good... good luck



Well-Known Member
gh is good stuff brotha... its not the nutes that make the plants, its the mixer!
Yeah they work, Im pretty sure hes just missing 1 part of the 3 part system.

Flowering with only micro and bloom, some people forget to follow the chart for ratios, you need that grow in flowering too.



Well-Known Member
lucas formula doesnt use the grow portion of the trio it makes up for it with more or less of the other two google it real quick to see what i mean


Well-Known Member
ya you can drive a car on empty too but its not highly recommended... imo using all three gives a better range of micro nutes and keeps the ph more stable. plus micro is more expensive than grow... at least in my area, and using less grow means you use more micro, which costs you more money in the long run... but anyways enough hijacking sorry bout that... back to the grow show!


Well-Known Member
Pics, pics!! Where are the pics bc??? And thanks for the info...u were right i shouldv'e just searched first before i asked all those dumb questions in your thread....i was just amazed that your set-up is 99% of what i'm gonna do....so i posted excitedly...my badd


Well-Known Member
Did another massive pruning today, I will still probably do one more small pruning when the flowering sites start getting big.

Heres a before and after pic.



Looks much cleaner, I also added some new fans above and bellow the canopy, they will be filling back in fast.



Well-Known Member
So today I was walking from a car to my apartment building, Its about a 20-30 feet, When some asshole randomly attacks me. :finger:

I was walking back, normally you dont notice people around you, or dont care, because you dont think they will suddenly run at you and hit you.

Im not sure exactly what happened, I turn my head, see a guy running at me, then I get knocked the Fuck Out.

random attack.jpg

I dont know how long I was down for, but when I got up he was gone, or I was too dazed to notice him. I stumbled into my place, and thankfully my friend was over so he took me to the hospital. I was pretty out of it at first but after about 20-30 min I was feeling better.

Ended up with 3 stiches, and one massive lump. I still dont really know what happened, I think he might have hit me with something, like a pipe or something, cause I went down fast, and when I fell on the walkway I was laying on the other side of my head.

Now heres the ridiculous part. He didnt rob me, I had my cellphone, my wallet with cash, I had a bag of weed I just grabbed off my buddy. I had it all still, it was fucked.

This was definitely one my more fucked up experiences so I figured I would share it with you all.

And Ill keep you updated if I find out who did this. :fire:



Well-Known Member
He may have felt threatened by ya BC....Wild animals in corners shit.He may have the hots for youre ol lady,But then again he just may be a flake and did it for no reason!!!!!Hope it gets better:joint::confused:


Well-Known Member
He may have felt threatened by ya BC....Wild animals in corners shit.He may have the hots for youre ol lady,But then again he just may be a flake and did it for no reason!!!!!Hope it gets better:joint::confused:
Im the least threatening person in the world. I literally walked from the building to the street, grabbed a bag, half way back from the building I notice the psycho running at me, then black. Its maybe 30 feet to the street.

And I dont even live in a bad part of town, i live on a really quiet dead end street in.

Im wondering if it might be some psycho who thinks im selling drugs when I was just grabbing a bag..

I dunno, some people are just fucked i guess..



Well-Known Member
Discombobulated!!!!!!!!!!Or just plain stupid.Definetly a pussy cause he caugth you off gaurd:evil:With a pipe.Really brave guy!!!Heal Brother!


Well-Known Member
what the fuck kinda shit is that? was he hiding behind a car or some shit or what?maybe it was some crack head all paranoid thinkin you were like an alien or somethin.. thats fucked up! hope u get better bro

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
its a shame we not only have to hide from cops but also our fellow citizens.........were not criminals like the fucker that hit you


Well-Known Member
No he wasnt hiding, theres a lot of grass between the building and the steet, but you wouldnt normally walk outside and think "hey, that guys gonna jump me"

When I was walking back, he suddenly ran at me, at the last second I realize hes running at Me, then I get hit and go down.

It was just do damn unexpected, who would ever expect to get knocked out 10 feet in front of your own apartment building? I walk that walkway 5-10 times a day, I never ever would have expected some retard to be out there.

I dunno, the guy was probably some roid monkey, or shwacked on PCP.

But if I find out it was someone I know....:fire:



Active Member
Thats a sweet set up you have. I'm moving into a 2 bedroom condo myself and had aspirations of working my way up to a setup like yours someday (biut I've never grown before so obviously I have a long way to go) but still man your thread is a huge inspiration!

Sorry to hear about your attack, its always a good idea to keep an eye on your surroundings!

Anyway good shit man. Be safe.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys.

Yeah, Im always aware, but no one expects some guy to tun around and run at you and club you. I see people out there every day and normally they just say a friendly "Hello"

Guy didnt even say anything, just ran over and Boom.

I think the worst part of this experience is the huge dent the doctor had to shave in my hair....And the blood all over my Jimi Hendrix Experience tie dye shirt :eyesmoke:

Oh well, shit happens, just chalk it up as another fucked up experience.

