320 watt HPS Grow!!


Well-Known Member
The only pH meter I have is a cheap one from home depot that you stick in the soil and doesn't work correctly :? But I have been flushing her with water a lot recently and I guess it has gotten a little better. Next time I will pick up some dolomite lime to add into my soil mix. Thanks for the tips though

Tom :joint:


New Member
I'm 99% sure the leaf curl is just a lot of nitrogen. You're almost there man. If you flush the plant you're going to start seeing deficiencies. I understand you gotta do what you're going to do, but just keep giving them bloom nutes until harvest.

Flushing is just gonna starve your girl resulting in less weight. The leaves would yellow but the calyxes are unaffected because the plant preserves those cuz seed is the only way a plant can live forever.

..... It's like if you put a person naked out in the snow. The body shuts down the limbs to keep the torso alive, dig?

Flushing to correct salt buildup could be useful (I understand that's what you're doing), but late flower flushing brings on disease.


Well-Known Member
Gotcha Faux, thanks for the helpful post. I'll keep on feeding her the organic nutes and let her do her thing. I might be posting some pics in a little bit so check in a little later if you'd like. Have a good day man

Tom :joint:


Well-Known Member
Sorry for not updating this in a little bit guys been a little busy. I changed my lighting system in the flower box yesterday. I took out the 70 watt HPS and hung two 42 watt (2700 K) CFL's in it's place. It makes the temps easier to control and the plant won't be so crowded around the 70 watt HPS bulb. I don't have a camera right now but I might be able to borrow the digi camera I was using in ealier posts. She is at 57 days flowering and is slowly packing on a little more weight. I wish she wasn't taking so long in flower but next grow I might just throw in a few freshly rooted clones off of my mother plant. I'll be back later and hoping to have some pics. Thanks for following along everybody

Tom :leaf::peace:


Well-Known Member
Been real busy recently with the holidays and everything guys. I harvested the plant and I got 99.6 grams wet off of her which isn't too bad. I have it hanging out to dry and should be in jars within the next few days when completely dry

Tom :weed: