325w cfl small box grow scrog 1 x white widow and 1 x white widow x big bud ~( w/pics


Well-Known Member
so heres the script...running 200w + 125 w cfls. two pc fans intake and the bottom and two outake at the top...going to be using miricle grow all purpose slow release feed during veg and for bloom ionic bloom nute and overdrive ( in last 3 weeks) final pots will be 11l - maybe introduce a uvb cfl in flowering for resin production - please look through my journal and comments and critisism appreciated

growing one white widow x big bud + one white widow ( was a freebie seed ) ((from rhino seeds))

day 1 ( seeds have been planted but havent breach surface yet)

pics of grow cabinet and light rig.

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this is day 3 - seeds have just sprouted and still only have cress leaves

Day3.jpgDay  3.jpgDay 3.jpg

day 5 - first set of true leaves

Day     5.jpgDay    5.jpgDay   5.jpgDay  5.jpgDay5.jpg

day 11

Day 11.jpgView attachment 2771709Day11.jpg

day 14

Day 14.jpgDay14.jpg

day 17 - better pics since phone upgrade to S4 -(i originall labeled one pot as white widow it fell off i duno which plant is which

Day17.jpgDay 17.jpgDay  17.jpgDay    17.jpgDay     17.jpgDay       17.jpgDay        17.jpgDay 1 7.jpg

day 19

Day 19.jpgDay19.jpgDay   19.jpg

day 19 (after topping)

Day 19 after toppin g.jpgDay 19 after topping.jpgDay19after topping.jpg

day 22 recovery well after topping

Day        22.jpgDay       22.jpgDay 2  2.jpgDay    22.jpgDay  22.jpgDay 22.jpgDay2 2.jpgDay22.jpg

day 24

Day   24.jpgDay 24 4.jpgDay 24.jpg

day 30 (i think the first pic is white widow and the second is the wwxbb ( not sure tho ) - starting to get a bit nitrogen deficient here )

Day 30.jpgDay30.jpgDay  30.jpg

day 31

Day  31.jpgDay 31.jpgDay31.jpg

day 33 - looking more healthy

Day    33.jpgDay   33.jpgDay          33.jpgDay  33.jpgDay33.jpg

just having a break while i smoke some pukka blues - will upload flowering pics soon as im high again :)



Well-Known Member
look good, if money is tight, then maybe get another 200W 2700K CFL instead of the UVB bulb, would make more sense to me, the light you have now will have a hard time covering 2 mature plants in 11g pots in a scrog, JMO


Well-Known Member
introduced my scrogg ( made from the side of a shopping trolley)

and flipped my light to 12/12
these are day 38 - 3 days since 12/12
Day 38 fday3.jpgDay 38    day 3 f.jpgDay 38 day 3 f.jpgDay  38.day3f.jpgDay 38.3dayf.jpg

day 8 flower

Day 8f.jpg

day 12 flower (last 3 pics are after trimming lower growth)

Day12f.jpgDay 12f.jpgDay   12.jpgDay12.jpgDay 12 tri.jpgDay12.trimed.jpg

day 19

Day19 above.jpgDay 19 clo.jpgDay19close.jpgDay 19 close up.jpgDay 19 fl.jpgDay 199.jpgDay19fffff.jpgDay19ff.jpg


Well-Known Member
thanks for advice but ive already gone and got uvb light now... maybe ill up lighting next time ( or just get myself a 400w hps ) they only have about 3 weeks left now this journal is late... thanks for looking and replyin tho


Well-Known Member
this is last update for now... as its now real time so will post regular update of final weeks and harvest /cure
quick amdam haze zoot

day 24 since 12 / 12 ( so its either 3 weeks flower or 1 week flower, as some ppl dont count it from the date they flip their lights)

Day 24     ffffff.jpgDay 24..jpgDay 24      f  ff.jpgDay 24 ff.jpg

day 32 flower buds looking good but not much thc production

Day32 ff.jpgDay 32 ff.jpg

day 35 since flip ( looking good now - but some lower leaves are yellowing and dieing -at this stage i fort it was N defiency so i add more all purpose nutes )

Day 35f  ff ff.jpgDay 35    ff f.jpgDay 35fff.jpgDay 35    fff.jpgDay 35f.jpg
day 38 flowering - notice how dark they are when i took a pic without lights on ( someone on here kindly informed me it looks as tho the abundance of nitrogen is causing a lock out of phospourus which is why some of my leaves are browing and falling off - so i flushed them in the bath using the shower head..- i filled pots to the top plenty of times and flush for a total of about 30 mins ) ((pics below are before flush )

Day 38f.jpgDay 41.jpgDay39fff.jpgDay 39f.jpg

day 41 flowering (after flush - looked alot better ) ( i had to remove scrogg to get them out and flush - but it couldnt risk putting it back - hopefully its already done its jobs )

Day41fffffff.jpgDay 41fffff.jpgDay 41fff.jpg

this was two days ago - i have checked on them since but my fone was dead so couldnt get a picture...also have just put uvb bulb in for 1 hour a day for 2 days- then 1 n half hour the next...

will update when i next get chance please dont hesitate to critices or compliment i mean its all a learning game and i can only learn and do better next time..

** some on on here mentioned a 0.5g per watt ratio but it seems a little to good to be true = 0.5 x 325 = 162.5g / 28 = 5.8 oz ... just seems way higher than i expected what do you reckon to that - or is that ratio for hps????