326 watt "The Church"and Three Hawaii Strains CFL Grow Tent


Well-Known Member
why do ppl always come into the cfl grow page and whine about us needing to buy other lites? im sorry but its freaking rude, get the F*#K out and quit trolling us cfl growers...

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Not sure how or who thats towards? Smokey is cfl grower from the gate! He adds an led to some cfl's & gets his shit jumped? Excuse me if i took it wrong,but u dont like it,dont clik on the thread.just sayn.


Active Member
hey smokey, kmk, and all,

what's up peeps? it's been kinda quiet on this site, except for this thread and a few others... just wanted to chime in about the cannabutter... i usually just use vape leftovers (poo, or vape-poo, or duff, or whatever you call it haha). somewhere around 6-8 grams makes for a very potent stick of butter that's enough for 6-8 strong cookies. here's a link to my "recipe" if you wanna give it a shot. i use the butter + water method that doesn't require a crockpot, but does require over-night fridging to separate the butter from the water. link:

enjoy homie, plants and buds all looking great!!

by the way, i just tried this bud called "chocolate thai" yesterday at a dispensary in the bay area, holy CRAP that stuff is delcious. sativa high, but smells like hot chocolate. unbelieveable, soaring great feeling high. if you ever run across it, i recommended. vaped about 0.3 grams, and i was set for 2 hours :)
Hell yeah Homer preciate it man deff gonna have to write that down in the back of my cookbook. Thanks for stopping in man!! And will keep an eye out for the coco thai!!

how is the blackstar treating ya smokey?
When I was on my way home from work right then my truck had 100* on it then only went to 98* in the shade. Just check on the ladies and its a cool 82* n the tent. the 240 is making the church throw one fat ass cola that is practicaly white and green
why do ppl always come into the cfl grow page and whine about us needing to buy other lites? im sorry but its freaking rude, get the F*#K out and quit trolling us cfl growers...
hhhmmmm I'm lost?

Not sure how or who thats towards? Smokey is cfl grower from the gate! He adds an led to some cfl's & gets his shit jumped? Excuse me if i took it wrong,but u dont like it,dont clik on the thread.just sayn.
Most the cool ppl left and left us w/ all the trolls......


Active Member
Yeah, she looks a lil bit hungry for some more. I'm surprised at how compact she ended up for going 12/12 the whole time.


Well-Known Member
Looking great. Can't wait to see the finished product!

Deff give her some nitrogen, See how she reacts too it.


Well-Known Member
looks like your plants like thier new light to!!!!!! looking good bro, real good!!!!!!!! keep em green and rock hard!!!!


Active Member
looks good smokey! how did i miss that hthee are 12/12 from seed? those are tall!
I started TC back when My first girl was flowering So thats why she is soo stretched. May be doing 12/12 from seed till I move in nov dec. Just wanted to see what wou8ld happen pretty pleased with 12/12 so far I know its not gonna be a hella yielder or anything but just like watching it grow
looks like your plants like thier new light to!!!!!! looking good bro, real good!!!!!!!! keep em green and rock hard!!!!
They are in love Stoney!! They asked me to marry them yesturday... But I had to explain to them that they were too old for the light and it would break the lights heart if they got married and in 6-8 weeks the ladies get chopped... Thanks man!!
Looking very nice smokey!!! Definitely seeing some fattening :)
Thats a big roger dodger on the fattening there bo Thanks for swinging thro!!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
thats funny smokey! it would break there lil hearts! and i think your plants look outstanding for 12/12 bro! thats what i was getting at.good job!!!


Well-Known Member
Looking good as always Smokey!!!!! I wish I had the power... I would pronounce those girls, sister wives with that blackstar!!!!! hahahaha keep it up bro!


Active Member
Well havent been payin much attention to the runt other than getting good top view avatar photos Well noticed it a couple weeks ago and didn't mention anything about it but the runt is a mutant she is growing buds off her fan leafs I know Meta had a single fan leaf do this, near bout all the lower fan leafs have them!!!



Well-Known Member
super frosty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not sure what ya mean about the fan leaves, everything looks normal to me.