34 days in flower buds were tight now they stretched


Active Member
Plant is 34 days in flower. It's in coco using FF nutes 1000w HPS. Plant had nice tight buds on it that looked like they were really bulking up lately then bam all of a sudden I noticed one top stretched a lot. Then today 2 more have done it too. When they stretch the bud looks like it thins out to a stem. The strain is uNkown it was a random seed. It looks real sativa like. Small skinny fan leaves real bushy but that's do to the main lining I think.

Bong Wizard

Active Member
Yeah, pics would be great. I haven't had much trouble with stretching that late. Were your lights moved recently?


Active Member
Moved the plant maybe a foot from where it was but I havent moved the light. I don't have any pics right now. Do you think they will fill back in? Sativas require a longer flower so I was figuring I still have a way to go.


Well-Known Member
Does it look like little bits of leaf or bud on the end of a stem coming out of your colas? If'so this can happen with photoperiod issues. Did you mess with your timers lately? Are you sure youre getting 12 hours of pure darkness?....

Also did you happen to hit your plamts with large dose'of' N or stress them at all?


Active Member
I did give some regular nutes on top of the flower Nutes. Do you think that was it? And yes that's exactly what's happening looks like a very tiny leave on a little stem. Any coming back from this or am I screwed?


Active Member
You have me concerned about the timer now to its one of those ones you push down the pins to keep on for longer. I wonder if something fell or bumped that I will have to check tonight. Do you think they will fill back in


Well-Known Member
I don't think they will. I had 2 strains do that an both finished that way. I think it's simply the way some buds form (I don't know if that's the case here) heat stress can also make a bud do that. IMO your only real hope is massive doses of P and K to try an bulk it out


Well-Known Member
I don't think they will. I had 2 strains do that an both finished that way. I think it's simply the way some buds form (I don't know if that's the case here) heat stress can also make a bud do that. IMO your only real hope is massive doses of P and K to try an bulk it out
I wouldn't feed massive doses of anything. It will not help your situation. Make sure your lights are all set. I feed N during flower just not alot of it along with my bloom nutes.