Yes I ingested, 35% food grade H202 for three and a half weeks on this regement::: First let me start by saying this experement didnt go without ALOT of research and thought, along with a few other negitives going on in my life at the time, my mental and phisical state were for shit. Im not a fast food eater but i like my beer and i'm a hell of cook...The master grower I have learned most all of what know, said that a peroxide purge would really be benificial to me to detox from all the rich food and beer cloging up my good thoughts. He told me how he did it back in the 80's with some of his guru's and how it could even cure cancer. My best friend died of cancer in 2002 so I jumped on board and looked into as much as I could bad and good, there are negitives, it does kill almost all bacteria, and you need to go almost vegan for the time your on it(not a bad thing), most health food store's carry it and some will even have a " purge" regement typed out. What I did was: stopped eating all meat, and all dairy, hard but not imposible for three weeks. you have to take acidopholas to keep the good bacteria in your diet, the peroxide will kill almost all the othe, and eat as much raw food as posible the regement goes:: 3 drops of 35% food grade H202 from the dropper that comes with the bottle in 8oz of water three times the first day, the next day four drops in 8oz's of water three times, the next day five drops three times and so on untill, your at 25 drops three times that day for the final day. I have polysystic kiddnies and used to have lower back pain because of it Gone. I have been a builder for 18 plus years, all my arthritus feels like it has majorly cleared up, I could go on and on but seriously< anyone reading this im no lier, do some reasurch. peroxide therapy has been known to cure some cancers, there are alot of apposing views saying anyone who injests peroxide is crazy and so on but Ill sit here and tell you straight, i did it and it only benifited my life! It might not be for everyone but it was for me. Respect