3590 LED DWC


Well-Known Member
Starting this at week two veg from today. Best grow Id done is in DWC. Tried COCO and the growth wasn't quick enough. I have 200w 5000k 3590 in a box, but using 200-400w 3590 3000k at the moment.

Vegging at 125-175w need to cover up with a mdf wall to have intake and exhaust air going through.

5 Shiva skunk displaying cal-mag def, during veg @ 300ppm with nute def. So I pumped it up to 700-800 ppm
which still displayed serious cal mag def, so I added 20ml cal mag to the nute mix. pH down 5.6 incase it could be pH fluctuation lockout. Tested the nute in the tote and it was at ph 6, which could be the case of calcium being locked out.
20L Bucket
900ppm H&G A&B nitrogen 27% 20ml calimag multizen
GwShark Soda water

4 White widow x Big bud
Plain old water. Transplanted from Coco to DWC. Had barely any care in coco setup. Was going to die, so I switch them to the DWC

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Well-Known Member
E0W2 veg
Handling nutes well, haven't noticed any extreme burns, just had some cal/mag def. Fixed it, by folair spraying with calimag. clones to be made from these and to be topped. Getting toO bushy, can't remove them from their pots, as the roots are entangled. 1000ppm tomorrow. Air intake and outtake soon can't wait... cobs will be dialled back to 100%.


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Well-Known Member
Introducing 4 other seed strains to the room, and snipped off plenty of clones. I'm hoping within two weeks these clones will be ready, sprayed with soda water to get them healthy and relaxed.

2 Barney's Critical Kush
1 Incredible Bulk
1 Big Bomb

I have no clue on which one is which, my dog dranked the container the seeds were in, found the seeds on the floor the next morning, refilled container and kept in a higher spot.. Seeds all germinated and are now in there system.

All I need now, is to cover my grow space with a wall, and have a intake/ outtake ready.
Mainlined/topped method. Main aim is to get dense size colas, minimum 2oz per plants from Shiva Skunk, 1/2 oz from each of those clones. 1oz at least from the white widow x big bud and atleast 1oz each from the newest strains. 100% I will get atleast 7oz...

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Well-Known Member
Last day of week 4.

Tomorrow will be the flip, see you guys in two weeks. Not enough room inside the closet, so I'll be moving them into a tent.Less headache for me then to pop holes in the walls for intake and exhaust.

2 weeks veg on the clones, you can see the roots.

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Well-Known Member
Start of week 3, I hope the stretching has stopped. Burnt one top, as it was touching the light. I want to add another 200w of cxb3590 inside. I have cxa3590 in a box that I could use but then I have to reconfig, the carbon filter to the bottom of the tent. Retied most tall heads back down, by tomorrow they'll be touching the cobs if stretch has not stop.

At the moment, using 800ppm of base nutes, and have added 150ppm PK13-14 (20ml@20L) for this week. Week four I will change the feed to full feed, 30ml@30L. Week 5+ I got to get myself canna boost.

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Well-Known Member
Future reference.
Week 5 feeding regimen
10L water + 20ml h&g a/b + 50ml tonic & monstabud + 7.5ml budxl + 10ml calmag
@ 1400ppm 3.0 ec ph 5.6-5.8 always.

Was going to switch back to pk13/14 + basenute, but might just stick with this feeding all the way. When do you guys use pk13/14? Id already used it @ week 3, and was going to use it again at 5, and switch back to the week 5 feeding above, for week 6-8. The week 5 feeding is just enough for the plant, just a bit of cal mag lock out from the pk boosters, so I just increased the cal mag supp.


Well-Known Member
the veg structure of those plants is awesome. i cant wait to start my DIY COBs. i cant help you as far as the boosters go. I run jacks hydro, calnit and mag. thats it.


Well-Known Member
Day 49.

Red circle: Light bleach, bud bleach - If I can't stare at my buds without the brightness on it hurting my eyes, it will most likely result in bud bleach. Can't fix it, can't raise my lights, or tie down stem without snapping.

Blue Circle: Insufficient lighting, causing bud growth to be slower.

Orange Rectangle: Light & heat burn, buds stretch right below COBs. Causing it to grow more leafy than buds.

Purple Circles: Larfs! You can fix this by adding couple of COBs as side lighting. Providing light below the canopy, might be better from the start. Just thinking of all the side branches, Id just cut off couldve been good size nuggets, if I had some light below.

Green Circle: This branch just had enough lighting to grow decent size nugget.

My other clones, don't have enough lighting and all look to be a week 3 flower growth rate... some seem to still be in veg, even though it has been 6 weeks straight 12/12.

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Active Member
Really nice plants man the dwc combo + 3590 is way better then all the soil grows.

I love the bushy plants you get in dwc :)
Cheers mate


Well-Known Member
Really nice plants man the dwc combo + 3590 is way better then all the soil grows.

I love the bushy plants you get in dwc :)
Cheers mate
Yes, I can agree with that too. I stop dealing with soil, because of the bugs. Just wanted to reduce the risk of bugs and mess down. DWC, you do encounter risk as well, everything does.

Found out, that one of the buds that look like it was suffering heat and light burn was just a nice pheno of a shiva skunk NL5XSHUNK1. Nice and fat, didn't grow many hairs. Sparkling too. It's in the pictures, outline in orange square. I'll take a picture later on of it.
Very cool man! Everything looks great! (I'm a noob so take that for what you will)

What does your DWC set up look like? This is the second thread that's DWC and making me think of starting down that road.


Well-Known Member
Day 49 above on previous post should be day 39

Very cool man! Everything looks great! (I'm a noob so take that for what you will)

What does your DWC set up look like? This is the second thread that's DWC and making me think of starting down that road.
Don't worry, we're all still learning here.

Get a bucket with a lid. Have a net pot inserted in the top of the lid. Place the plant inside the net pot in Rockwool, some other medium or just the stem itself. Fill the bucket up with water/nutes, have the water level underneath the net pot, or just touching the stem. Roots will grow and be submerged into the water. Have a air pump pumping air inside 24/7. I'm using a 20L, with 4 net pot cut into them. 2 Days they drink about 10L. So I fill up a 10L bucket with water. Add nutes to about 1400ppm ph 5.8 and drain the feed into the 20L tote to replace the missing 10L that was used in two days.

Only things you got to worry about is, water level, air pump 24/7, lights, ph 5.6-6.2, PPM 400-1400ppm. DWC, is solo buckets. RDWC is when you connect all your buckets together with pipes.

Only problem you will encounter is nute burn, nute def, air pump failure and root rot. Id only encountered root rot once, and that was because my rockwool was contaminated. You can reduce the risk in getting root rot, by keeping the system clean from the start.

Shiva Skunk NL5 X SKUNK 1 PHENOS
Which phenos do you guys like? I like the first one. DAY 42

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Well-Known Member
I managed to harvest some bud at day 45. Hanged for 5 days, and curing now. 287g dried and curing now. Probably still have 2-4ozs left in the tent. Could've left it 1-2 weeks to go, but in a rush.


Well-Known Member
First pull was at 287g, and the second all pull and dried managed to get 4 and 3/4zips. Future reference 20ml A/B H&G @ 20L with 50ml of ozi tonic and juice for flower. 3-4 feeds and 1-2 water feed.