36 hours of darkness after veg?


Well-Known Member
Ok, screw it, I'm gunna try the 36 hours with one plant out of three and see how it goes. Can't learn new stuff if I don't make mistakes...

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
you can hop of anytime... Its an educational thread, and in that nature- it evolves... If by chance you oppose it then unsubscribe- but if you have any insight as to how it has worked or not worked for you- it is very good to record and hear...

This thread was started and read by many who were still early in the veg state at its time of conception, now that the thread has evolved so have their plants- and some may have a unique opportunity to record the before and after effect not just for themselves but for people like me who are more than curious...

For science


Well-Known Member
Well I just maybe killed the plant I was going to do the 36 hours with. I moved it to a new veg space I set up without checking overnight temps. They hit 90F and the plant threw up its leaves in protest. I've pruned it but we'll have to see if it survives. And of course I've fixed the heat issue. I still can't get it much lower than 79-80F but that will have to do. I'm just growing for myself, not commercially.

If it survies I'll put it in the 36 hour darkness bath and see how it comes out. Right now it needs some serious veg time since it lost so many leaves and is no doubt in shock.

I'll also post pics but posting a pic of the poor little girl right now would make you cry... it's like looking at a burn victim and trying not to cringe.
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Well-Known Member
you can hop of anytime... Its an educational thread, and in that nature- it evolves... If by chance you oppose it then unsubscribe- but if you have any insight as to how it has worked or not worked for you- it is very good to record and hear...

This thread was started and read by many who were still early in the veg state at its time of conception, now that the thread has evolved so have their plants- and some may have a unique opportunity to record the before and after effect not just for themselves but for people like me who are more than curious...

For science
no shit sherlock, i was in the thread when it started. DUH !


Well-Known Member
First off, let me apologize to all the reasonable people in the thread. I promise this will be my last tangential post. If, despite all common sense to the contrary, someone feels compelled to argue with me further I will simply ignore it. (So this is your chance to "get in the last word" and "win" the argument if you're incapable of restraint.)

Dude seriously you have no life what so ever. How long did it take to write that?
I forgot to time it, but I'll be sure to set the stopwatch for this one so you can draw whatever conclusions you see fit based upon the time required to type this. Also, I apologize for not responding to you earlier. I was busy having no life.

Were you sitting at your computer all pissed of typing away?
Nope, sorry. The biggest problem you face is that, rather than annoying me, you're actually entertaining me. I relish the opportunity for "vigorous disagreement". Ever hear the one about wrestling with a pig in the mud?

Do people in your life say you argue to much?
Nope. There are people who say that, but I don't consider them to be "in my life". Just as you clearly have no respect for what I say, there are people who's opinions simply don't matter to me.

How many times did I say roots growing out of the ground to get to mist is AEROPONICS.
Well as everyone knows it takes 62,400 repetitions to make one truth. You're way off, so for the moment it makes absolutely no difference how many times you've said that roots growing out of the ground is aeroponics. Saying it, even dozens of times, doesn't make it true. Get back to me when you've said it almost sixty-three thousand more times and we'll see how much you've changed the rules of science.

Again, yes I agree, indoor growing hydro/aero is better than 90% of nature, but we learned what we know from nature. We will never be able to replicate the entire echo system that is nature.
Echo system? Ecosystem perhaps? And yes, much of what we've learned has come from nature. However, to imply (as you have) that our understanding will never allow us to exceed what we have observed is fundamentally false.

We pick and choose the variables that are practical and cost effective that provide the best results. That is it, But in no way will we ever comprehend the entire complexity of what mother nature is doing.
If you want to sell yourself short, be my guest. I, however, don't believe that it's remotely intelligent or constructive to decide what your limitations are before you meet them. Invariably you'll meet limitations where you expect them, regardless of whether that's where they actually are.

I don't believe it is impossible for mankind to understand mother nature. It may and most likely will be exceptionally difficult. But hardly impossible.

But if you believe you can't do it then you're absolutely right.

I was probabaly growing advanced hydroponics before you knew that plants need water. I have a firm grasp of hydroponics. You have 38 posts and no gallery. I am curious to what makes you an expert?
Ah, the e-peen argument. "I've been in location X longer than you, thus I am smarter, stronger, handsomer, and have larger reproductive organs than you."

Perhaps we should, on the count of three, each say how long they've been doing hydroponics, and then we'll know who's the smartest. Because, as everyone knows, the most accurate measure of IQ is the date they began growing plants hydroponically. A close second is the number of photographs of hydroponic plants they've uploaded to specific forums.

You know what? I'm comfortable marking this one as a loss. We'll call this a big "win" for cloudflyer. You can tell all your e-friends you've got a bigger e-peen than I do. You'll get all the e-tail. It'll make you e-smart and e-right.

I'm e-finished e-arguing with someone who's e-obsessed with my e-peen.

(total elapsed time 11 minutes 48 seconds, as if that were remotely important)

Again, I apologize to the sane people and return you to your normally scheduled programming.


Well-Known Member
Ah, the e-peen argument. "I've been in location X longer than you, thus I am smarter, stronger, handsomer, and have larger reproductive organs than you."

Perhaps we should, on the count of three, each say how long they've been doing hydroponics, and then we'll know who's the smartest. Because, as everyone knows, the most accurate measure of IQ is the date they began growing plants hydroponically. A close second is the number of photographs of hydroponic plants they've uploaded to specific forums.

You know what? I'm comfortable marking this one as a loss. We'll call this a big "win" for cloudflyer. You can tell all your e-friends you've got a bigger e-peen than I do. You'll get all the e-tail. It'll make you e-smart and e-right.

I'm e-finished e-arguing with someone who's e-obsessed with my e-peen.

(total elapsed time 11 minutes 48 seconds, as if that were remotely important)

Again, I apologize to the sane people and return you to your normally scheduled programming.
I am not going to go through each thing you said but seriously we moved on.

I do want to touch on a couple things though.
You’re the new guy (on this forum and as a grower.) You seem like you have read a couple books and are quite comfortable regurgitating things other peoples experiences. Congrats, I am a firm believer in education to progress you to where someone else left off. No sense reinventing the wheel right? Bottom line analogy, you are a med student; you are learning to be a doctor. You know more than people off the street but you have never performed surgery. You read a book written by a guy who did. The day you graduate and get your PHD, don't go to the hospital and tell the doctors that have been doing it for years they are wrong on your first day. The reason I asked about your experience, is because in order for your opinion to be valid in a subject, you have to have credentials. It's not about penis size; It’s about hands on knowledge. Do I come off the wrong way sometimes, yes I do. But ultimately I am here to help people be successful to promote a cause I believe in. I am an expert, not because I read a book or saw a DVD, because of trial and error and the scientific approach I take. Right now I am in the process of creating a 3 part DVD and book on this very subject so people like you are successful without having to suffer through all the pitfalls I did years ago. Do I make mistakes, yes and that is how I learn. Do I get great ideas on here from other people? Absolutely! But they are just theory, until it can be duplicated. The proof is in the pudding, grab your spoon and dig in!


Active Member
i heard the more stress the more potent the fruit is so why give the plant a break its not like its going to die

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
lol tombom44, like real life stress is bad, it can very easily make the plant force seed, hermaphodite... thats really bad.

Tender Love and Care
TLC is the best for THC


Well-Known Member
i heard the more stress the more potent the fruit is so why give the plant a break its not like its going to die
Back in the day people that was a common misconception. I knew a guy that would actually put a nail through the trunk of his plants because he swore it made the plants better. Bottom line, indoors, your are the plants immune system. You control the environment so the plant can devote it's resources to flower production. The only real type of stress you should put on the plant are things like using a fan to sway the branches so the plant adapts to windy conditions. Ultimately producing stronger branches that hold more bud. Things like that. The exception to the rule is if you are trying to produce feminized seeds. Then the plants are purposely stressed so the plant produces more female seeds as a survival reaction.

I personaly am against the female seed revolution.


Well-Known Member
just so i am 100% clear 36 hours of Dark but feeding continues on schedule as well as air flow?

also can i provide Co2 during the 36 hours?

Jonnie Iirish

Active Member
It just gives the plant a head start into flowering and if you do it during veg it will make your plant bushier. It just needs 24 hours to do so dont go too much farther than that and you will be fine!


Active Member
I just did this with my plants and they all grew 2-3 inches and look great. they were small becasue of problems I have had but this really perked them up and they look good now.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
yeah, you can add c02, air flow, and feeding- for sure- I would put the flowering feed in right before you go to 36 hours dark, and of course go to dark right before flower. So a little pre-dose to set in over the long night. They will wake up bigger, stronger, and closer to sexing, if not sexing. Again 4 of mine sexed in the 36 hrs... but I had vegged them for a while.


Hmm- I never realized indoor lights were less than the sun. And they seem so bright- but i believe you for sure bout that.

Light cycles are something that are really manipulatable for experimentation in growing, and for that i am happy because it makes for very unique adaptations of conditions and an ability for growers to try different things. To each his own- let us all share our stories of success and even those of pitiful failure so we can learn from eachother.

I believe on my next grow I will go 18/6 straight thru and do half in 36 darkness half in not- and see what happens- I did a lot of playing with lighting this time- so i have all sorts of variables

Thanks to the cool breakdown on the light-
btw you have some serious light cranking 2000 watts damn!
HI guys hope its ok to join in the thread,

I must say reading helpful & direct information from experienced growers like yourselves is a god send. All too much nonsense to handle sometimes. I am a new 1st time grower indoors but have invested heavily in research and my 1st set up & also love for Cannabis. I have a 60sq foot tent with mylar inside, Ventilation & humidty is very good with lots fresh air, 4x600W cool tubes Digital Ballast 23-30% more intencity, MH during Veg and bout to switch to HPS after 2 weeks initial flowering. Began with 18/6 Light cycle from 1 week old clones (not sure of Strain but looks a hybrid) 2 - 2.5 weeks then upped to 20/4. I am into my 6th week of Veg & have only just installed my SCROG Screen. I have topped 1 of my ladies, 1 left natural as it spilt at 1st node & 3 have been FIM'd approx week 3 of veg. They are very bushy and have multiple branches & bud sites, overall size is roughly 2Ft high/wide.

I am going back to 18/6 for 2 nights then 14/10 for the rest of the week then will try a 24-36Hr complete darkness (wearily as I do want them to strech above my screen too) then to 12/12 & may throw in a week or 2 of 13/11 to see if I can really maximize yields.

This is all very new to me but having Forums such like these are very useful if you can decipher good info through the crap & hope for the best.

If any one finds this interesting I am willing to post some pics but like I said I am fairly new to this so be patient....

Stay Safe & happy cultivation