36 Watts Led Grow In Action Again!!!:)

Two plant with different purpose!:)




That is an excellent macro shot!
Very nice. Again... please consider finding
a new spot to allow these plants to mature.
They are looking great, but you can't rush
nature. Them's the rules. Seriously... you
will have a much better "high" if you let them
do what they naturally do, and harvest when
"they" are ready. You can't dictate nature.
But you can work with it, and get some
legit resin/THC. Consider it!
Aww man that looks hella good. I want a nug of that! Great job. Im starting soon and hope mine looks as pretty. Good color, the flower looks dank and I think your well on your way in the home-stretch!
First of all Great Job.
im thinking about doing a LED grow myself. i am a electrical engineer. and im designing a grow room my self. but buying lights online is a rip off. you can build them yourself for around 20-30$. but the are the panel kind(dot matrix). will these work. i dont like to contribute to the stoner stereotype(bad people). but you can steal these LED lights very easily. from a small electronics store. i got a box of 500 (1watt) leds. these are high performence leds. my question here too you is will a dot matrix panel work to grow. i look forrow to adding designs for everyone. and more pics. the panels are 1 square foot. with 225 leds per a panel. im going to mount them above and on one side of the plant.
Thanks a million,
robbert b

i building this same design. same spects!

the picture below is a example!
First of all Great Job.
im thinking about doing a LED grow myself. i am a electrical engineer. and im designing a grow room my self. but buying lights online is a rip off. you can build them yourself for around 20-30$. but the are the panel kind(dot matrix). will these work. i dont like to contribute to the stoner stereotype(bad people). but you can steal these LED lights very easily. from a small electronics store. i got a box of 500 (1watt) leds. these are high performence leds. my question here too you is will a dot matrix panel work to grow. i look forrow to adding designs for everyone. and more pics. the panels are 1 square foot. with 225 leds per a panel. im going to mount them above and on one side of the plant.
Thanks a million,
robbert b

i building this same design. same spects!

the picture below is a example!

Just a question...if your an electrical engineer why resort to thievery.....
Does this look ok for 8 days into flowering?? I count the days when I saw the first V pistils!
Its streching a lot!:(


They will stretch when flowering starts...but yeah they do look a little over stretched....no worries though not much you can do about that at this point. and it shouldn't really affect much as long as you have the room :peace::blsmoke:
I think its great that your doing an led grow setup. Your research will help in trial and error any way you put it. I think the leds are great for veggin and the reds are good for flowering but adding a few cfls wont hurt either. Any how I'm going follow up on this grow from start to finish, BTW what strain of seed are you using?