368 watt CFL veg cab/600 watt HPS flower cab perpetual journal


Well-Known Member
yes PMs! i am kind of in the middle it would seem...i do have the space for people to come so...lets PM each other and start figuring this out!

on another note, excited to go down and check on my ladies. pretty soon will have to buy some stuff for hydro! woooo!

anyone think i could get away with another just watering? does anyone feed once water twice?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have done that plenty of times. If you know your plant good enough it will show signs if it needs nutrients or just water. Sometimes I will give it water a few times in a row because tips start to burn. That tells me the is a buildup of salts and a flush is needed.

Your going hydro? I don't care for hydro. I like soil. Better quality, and taste. Only good thing about hydro is it grows faster and its a little less messy. But it can be very unforgiving, unlike soil.

There is a video that Greenhouse made. They were growing a plant that was going to be used in the cannabis cup. They grew it in soil and they even say on the video they do this because in soil they get the best taste and quality, and thats very important if your entering what you grow in the cannabis cup.


Well-Known Member
yeah i have been thinking about it, and i dont want to go ALL hydro necessarily, but i definitely want to play around, i really like my static bubblponics idea...combo hempys/aeroponics...


Well-Known Member
so i just moved #4 into flower! yay! i have now 4 plants in flower, each put in 1 week at a time (#1 has been in 4 weeks, 2 for 3 weeks, etc.)

i wasnt sure before, but now i am. the curl is DEFINITELY going away! and yeah there was a lil nute burn on the tips of all the plants which is ALSO now mostly gone! i believe i will water once more everyone before starting with the fox farm nutes. 2 of my babies in veg are ready for water and their growth looks perfect. i may end up watering them before the others, as they are a little drier. although it shouldnt matter all that much. maybe ill wait and water everyone all at once! gotta take some pic updates, but it will b boring cause it looks pretty similar...wait a lil longer and there will be greater disparity between the pics! hmm...


Well-Known Member
yes PMs! i am kind of in the middle it would seem...i do have the space for people to come so...lets PM each other and start figuring this out!

on another note, excited to go down and check on my ladies. pretty soon will have to buy some stuff for hydro! woooo!

anyone think i could get away with another just watering? does anyone feed once water twice?
shoot me a text, im thinking july sometime but nows the time to get resrvations out. if someone has a good date then throw it out and we can get goingon reserving some campground spots.


Well-Known Member
ok everyone im very nervous and upset!

i was looking closely at my buds i harvested, they got a teeny bit moldy! can i still smoke them? its that very fine white spiderwebby mold...it almost looked like trichs...but its not its more obvious on the bigger bud. it goes pretty much away when you touch it, but is this safe to smoke? i didnt air out the container this week for its usual hour...kept in a ziplock screw top plastic container in a drawer...they dried for a week and have been in the container since. burp the container once a week for an hour.



Well-Known Member
I've heard you can wash it in an H2O2 solution and then redry and cure like normal. There's a Cervantes video floating around with instructions.


Well-Known Member
Aw man... that's sucks. I have no experience to draw on for that one... but I agree with Gastanker, go check You tube and see what Jorges Cervantes has to say. And whatever he says, that's what I'd say... LOL. He is DA man.


Well-Known Member
I agree, do a mild H202 wash, then a quick rinse, without agitating, the mould spores will quickly be destroyed by the peroxide. the rinse will be fine and safe, but then you need to be extra careful drying them :) I don't think it's at the poisonout stage mate, i've seen a hell of a lot worse on good bud. bit of penicillin won't hurt ya. but it will taste like shite


Well-Known Member
cant help here man i have the same problem i just took my buds out of the jar and put back out to dry. ill smoke it, not saying its good for you or anything lol


Well-Known Member
lol thanks guys....yeah i freaked a little bit. i put the open jar on top of my plasma for an hour or so and its fine now. a lil crispy, but fine. looks like ill run out before my next harvest. which is fine i need a break from smoking 3 or 4 times a day anyway...

will post updated pics soon. keep it real yalls!


Well-Known Member
allright guys i think i need some advice on my clones.

veg cab is getting better, leaves are all starting to straighten out for the most part. gettin kinda empty in there lol...what yalls think?

ugh claw GO AWAY. this is the worst one. the rest of the plant looks good, but they def needed that flushing. i think. theyre gettin hungry tho...

mothers too big! couple shoots just couldnt get far enough from the bulbs. burnt a lil. plus shes looking hungry. but no claw. just hunger.

flower cab!

get at me guys! worried about my clones. time to go get hydro stuff?