37 Days Flowering...FROSTY!!!


Well-Known Member
You make a good point. It's working just fine so why change a thing.
all of the experts say that MG is crap, so i believe there are better results to be realized. when i get situated i will probably mix my own medium or switch over to hydro. i cant see paying 20 bucks for a small bag of fox farm. next time i will be sure to transplant often and allow the roots to fill the containers first. i have heard that loose roots mean loose buds. i dont want anymore loose buds. this is only my second grow. my 1st was with a bare minimum budget (really none at all), but i learned a lot. (shouts to RIU). pics are attached, we had bagseed weed and grapefruit haze. :peace:



Well-Known Member
you only vegged 2 weeks and it's only been 37 days flowering and you are at 5' tall, that is sick. Awesome job.
I topped them (regretfully) 1 week into flowering. It seems to have halted upward growth at that point. My first harvest (vegged for about 3 wks. or so) ended up over 6 ft tall. I'll post new pics soon, as this is starting to look so much better than my 1st grow.


Well-Known Member
Those ARE frosty!!! Geeze . . . 2 weeks veg and 36 days. Whoa. Now THAT'S inspiring.
Gonna be my desktop thru this weekend.


Active Member
shit son, looks like some dank bud you got growin there :bigjoint:

edt: really low odor? suprising
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Well-Known Member
i appreciate all the compliments. its very encouraging, especially since this is my 2nd grow. been studying for years and its paying off. the main thing i am realizing is that there are many variables involved in maximizing your potential (quantity, quality, etc.). you all are GREAT! :joint: