38 dats flowering, how do they look ????


Active Member
Approx 2 months, 66 days to be exact, im using a 3 foot double bulb flouro, and a couple of low watt cfls believe it or not, no nutes just plain tap water, started off 24/0 then switched the to 18/6 and started flowering 38 days ago. They are california kush, :)


Well-Known Member
wow ive never heard of anyone straight going through flower without any nutes. well of course im new but still ive done alot of research and this is a first? so do you even pH your water? and im using cfls too and about 5 weeks flowering. i was just wondering how many lumens or watts of cfl are you using? btw nice grow


Active Member
with past grows i have used nutes and ph kits but with this one i just threw them in the soil after a couple of days germ and let them go, when it comes to the lumens im not sure, i believe the flouros are 30 watt cool bulbs and the cfls are probably 23 watt, but again im not sure. This grow was not planned very well and kinda of a jump start to my next one, im planning on converting a full room in my house into a grow room, 4 600 watt hps hoods, its in the process now, so im thinking if i can get a couple of plants rocking with minimal effort i should have a nice crop in the next few months, ill keep you posted :)


Well-Known Member
looking good maan:weed:
wow 4 600w would be a big step man hope all goes well with that!!!

so you dont know the total wattage of lights running??


Active Member
ive grown with about the same setup in the past, im just getting back in the swing of things with this little grow, the two cfls i have are 23 watt each, and then the two 30 watt cool tubes, seems to be working pretty well.