38 days old today

shit sorry it took so long to reply. yea these are all hydro plants accept for one. they all tend to have good color and they were growing tall until about two weeks ago. itws like they hit a stunt growth. today april 23, 2010. i fed them nutriens(all purpose plant feed) today for the first time. they have been in miracle grow the whole time. this is my first time growing so. but i built a new home for them yesterday and put it to use. a 4 foot by 2 and a half foot box totally capsulated from light. i have two twin tubes. 40 watt flourecent lighting and one 60 watt cfl bulb. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. your grow buddy saintsbaby!!!!!!!
i dont know what im doing wrong though. my ph levels are good, my lighting is good. they just hit a stnt growth about a week ago. any advice please comment
im not quite understanding the whole fertilizer thing. i am using mg and have been since they first sprouted roots. the only other thing i add to them was all purpose plan food for vegitation for mg which was today. so what is the difference with fertilizer and mg. please explain for m knowledge.


Active Member
i dont know what im doing wrong though. my ph levels are good, my lighting is good. they just hit a stnt growth about a week ago. any advice please comment
Here are some that are 8 days old, yours are way small for 38 days.. there not even stretching out for light (if light was the problem). I'm not sure what to tell you, just something to compare to.



Well-Known Member
There is a seriouse problem and the problem is light there not getting no where near enouth.38 days old if the weather is any good warm where you are at get them outside.The size of the plant's in the picture are what they should look like at day 8 from seed under the right lighting.