380 watts of cfl grow near harvest?


Active Member
what you think of my blue himalaya?
this plant has had a tough life lol, its been in a pc case to a converted cabinet (125 watt cfl used in these) then it got moved to a tent 5 days ago and now its under 380 watts of cfl, 1x 250 watt and 2x65 watt, its 6 weeks and 2 days from when it was put in the pot, only ever had nutes 3 times, the trichs are just starting to go cloudy, should i start the flush? how long do you think it will have left if the trichs are just starting to turn cloudy now? no pistils have browned yet, infact new ones are starting to grow, i hit the cola on the bulb and the trichs got stuck to it and fell of, but new ones seem to be growing now

anyway what do you think of it, its the second plant that i have grown lol from stalk to tip the plant is only 16 inches tall lol




Active Member
get that microscope out and think if you like the color of the trichs or not. nice looker you got so far


Active Member
get that microscope out and think if you like the color of the trichs or not. nice looker you got so far
going by the trichs i would say only a matter of days, but going by the pistils it would maybe be a week or two, you will be luck if a tatal of 5 pistils have turned brown, what would you do? and what would everyone else do?



Well-Known Member
wait brother.let those resin glands go amber.the buds will really start to fatten up towards the END .the smoke will be more potent also.what strain is that?


Active Member
wait brother.let those resin glands go amber.the buds will really start to fatten up towards the END .the smoke will be more potent also.what strain is that?
yeah im deffo going to wait, the strain is blue himalaya, its from short stuff


Well-Known Member
yes sir. definetly wait. expescialy if u want that couch-lock buzz. harvest early and u get a more uppety head buzz and not much of a stone. just depend on what U want