I consider myself a newbie compared to you and the other pros watching your run. Boy do you guys provide the inspiration a guy needs to master his craft. Those are some nice ladies out there. Looking forward to the flip.
I consider myself a newbie compared to you and the other pros watching your run. Boy do you guys provide the inspiration a guy needs to master his craft. Those are some nice ladies out there. Looking forward to the flip.

Thanks man.. im far from a pro. But thanks. In this industry there is always something new to learn.u should check out subcool420 on youtube. I learned just about everything i know from that man. I will forever be in debt to him...Weednerd 4 life
Yeah but more like it's the best choice the hydro store had :) Someone needs to put a true seedling/cutting formula out kinda like the tga base/super soil but designed specifically for maximizing growth in fresh cuttings/seedlings. I'd like something more like Roots but more EWC based so it wouldn't burn'em.
Thanks man.. im far from a pro. But thanks. In this industry there is always something new to learn.u should check out subcool420 on youtube. I learned just about everything i know from that man. I will forever be in debt to him...Weednerd 4 life
kinda like myself,in 2000 I read ed rosenthals "indoor high yield book" twice and eds book on "the closet grow" before I purchased any equipment.alot of more learning as I cruise down that rd.rdr.
Yeah I'm not sure there's much raider is gonna learn from sub :) I don't learn all that much either but every once in a while you get some gems :)
Look like some lovely strains, beautiful leaves. I would love to give some of subcool's strains a try, too bad he doesn't care enough about small time closet gardeners to "sell out" and fem some of his strains. Oh well, such is life.
I'm pretty sure people were closet growing long before fems came around :) I started as a closet grower when there were no fems as a matter of fact :)
Thanks D for the putting me on to Weed Nerds. I'm just wondering how I'm going to find time to watch the other 150 episodes lol. Rdr. I've read and almost every major publication you can think of and you're right until you start cruising down that road do you realize the difference between book knowledge and knowledge from trial and error.
I'm only on episode 4. Then again, if I can watch all the Sonic 06 episodes by Game Grumps, I can watch this.. Hell, it's easy to "watch" in another tab 'cause all he does is play music, talk, and toke, haha.

Ever think of femming your own beans, D?
Thanks D for the putting me on to Weed Nerds. I'm just wondering how I'm going to find time to watch the other 150 episodes lol. Rdr. I've read and almost every major publication you can think of and you're right until you start cruising down that road do you realize the difference between book knowledge and knowledge from trial and error.

;-)we live and learn my friend.bongsmilie
I'm pretty sure people were closet growing long before fems came around :) I started as a closet grower when there were no fems as a matter of fact :)

Yeah no doubt, but it's not "selling out" to fem some of your strains. Nearly every company does it, even mandala. It's called moving on with the times and catering for a specific market of people like me, who grow very small numbers of plants and would rather not be rolling the dice with males. There's a lot of people like me. Sure I could cram my closet with 6 plants and hope to get 2 fems, but it's still not guaranteed and I could even end up with 5 fems and not have space for all of them. Far more attractive to plant as many females as want to have in there.

That's what it's all about, this idea that it's wrong to do it is a fallacy, for this reason. Those of us who want to create seeds and further the cannabis gene pool, are going to do it anyway and buy reg seeds, so yes offering regs is good, BUT those of us who grow small numbers for bud only and don't want seeds are going to kill the males ANYWAY, so offering fems seeds just saves people who weren't gonna create seeds a lot of hassle..

Up to him though, if he likes money he might consider femming a few strains, because he's famous enough and has some killers strains and he is missing out on a lot of custom.

wouldn't mind seeing a fem , jacks cleaner:weed:
find 1 female, clone as many 100% girls as you like :) it's not saying it's wrong, it's just a difference of philosophy. but like you said, most companies are offering fems anyway... I don't get upset at the companies that offer fems only and no regs. the companies that offer fems only are screwing the customers over (cashing in) a lot more than sub not offering fems.
yeah you make good points. It's not really a right or wrong thing, it's a philosophy as you say. That being said, I still feel he could offer a few fems like mandala started to do, no selling out needed, but more profit from people like me who just wanna do it the noob way.
Yeah well part of the problem is the legal status.. it's not like they have a big warehouse with thousands of plants they're working on... they're limited in how many can be grown at one time and the more you grow the more likely you are to have legal problems... i doubt it's feasible to really offer both kinds of seeds unless you are not limited on your plant count. I don't think sub wants to do fems anyway, just not his thing, but he's always talking about how he barely has time to do things the way he is doing them now... it would be a pretty major undertaking to start producing feminized seeds as well... and don't even ask frenchie what he thinks of feminized seeds i'm not really an expert on the subject in any way but ask him why feminized seeds are bad for the cannabis gene pool and he can give you the explanation :) He was just railing on the guys at greenhouse in the weed nerd thread earlier today about spreading feminized seed genes into landrace strain areas on their strain hunters trips. I've grown a couple of feminized plants myself but I'd just rather do it the old school way :)