3rd grow, 1st indoor please evaluate

I have two outdoor grows under my belt and now im takin a crack at a small indoor one. I moved to hawaii recently from alaska and now live in an apt complex so outdoor is pretty much been ruled out which is a dam shame. Regardless I am looking to grow 2-3 plants for the remaining 5 months I am here before trekking back home.

This room- small closet that has plenty of vertical space and width but limited in depth. all the walls and doors are a medium gloss white. I have a medium sized oscilation fan that has enough room to rotate 360 degrees.

Lights- As of now I have 2 workshop relflectors with (2) 26 watt 6500k cfls (1750 lumens per bulb) in each reflector. I plan on doing a pure cfl grow due to bugeting and heat, etc...

Soil- I puchased nitrogen enriched miracle grow and plan on a 50-50 mixture of that and local red hawaiian soil(really wish i could do outdoor)

Essentially i am looking for someone with more experience than I to evaluate and tell me the shortcoming i have with this setup.

Some concerns I have are

*cooling the room as my apt has no ac or shared ventilation of any kind and its about 80 degrees outside at all times.

*odor control( i am in an 3 story apt complex, top floor, no hallways or anything just porches with stair that lead up to the front door of each level, 2 apts per level)

*lighting- i know more is better esp with cfls but as of right now that is what i can afford, (i plan on getting more when i get paid)

Thanks in advance for all your help!



Well-Known Member
well to keep heat down i would get a PC fan or regular desk fan blowing on the lights 24/7,
i would also get the biggest CFL's you can get that fit in standered sockets ( i forget what size 65watt or something)
you should build a DIY scrubber a great cheap one would be https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/101248-best-diy-ez-walmart-carbon.html i have it and it does wonders.
your going to need more lighting as the grow goes on 7,000-10,000 lumens per squarefoot
you can use a pcfan as an exaust fan aswell. to take out the old hot air, keep that air circulating.
for whats available at the local shops and homedepot 42 watts is the highest i can find, so say I get one of those and use the 26 watters as supplimentry side lighting as cfls dont penetrate canopies very much? ill check into one of those scrubbers. im also contemplating on doing LST any input?


Well-Known Member
for whats available at the local shops and homedepot 42 watts is the highest i can find, so say I get one of those and use the 26 watters as supplimentry side lighting as cfls dont penetrate canopies very much? ill check into one of those scrubbers. im also contemplating on doing LST any input?
when its in the fully grow i would get y splitters and have at least 2 42watters on the top and those 23's around the plant
LST is a great thing considering the short bushyness and yeild.


Well-Known Member
when its in the fully grow i would get y splitters and have at least 2 42watters on the top and those 23's around the plant
LST is a great thing considering the short bushyness and yeild.
as for height if you really decide not to lst, ( never done it just read about it ) you can always top or FIM the plant and when the plant is about 2/5 your grow height throw it into flowering (12/12)
yeah i think im going to do some lst. it was either (1) 42 watt cfl with 2800 lumen output at 14 bucks a pop, or get (6) 26 watt cfl with 1750 lumen at 12 bucks. on my budget that just worked out better for lumen to cost ratio. like i said this is my first indoor grow and theres always room for improvement.


Well-Known Member
i would have done the same thing haha im on a very loowww budget, like 5 finger discount budget, the only thing is, the more lights the hotter it gets.
i didnt even think about that haha yeah the ambiant temperature outside here is about 75-80 degrees, making it about 85 in the room that contains the grow room and about 90 in the grow room with 4 26 watt cfls and one fan. however if the windows are open the temp inside is exactly the same outside caus eof the nice strong breezes, however that would carry my sweet aropma everywhere


Well-Known Member
exactly and as you add more lights the hotter it gets which means heat stress, and heat burn, so your in a bit of a pickle, the extractor fan is going to probly be needed and i few fans are going to be nessesary to keep those temps down, just try to aim the fan at the bulbs not the plants itself. If the plants leaves are constantly getting ht by the fans, the moisture in the leaves will be taken away which is no good ( it is happening to me right now)
yeah i think i have the heating problem taken care of now my concern is odor. its a 2 door sliding closet in a bedroom that has a window. no ducts or anything and im trying to come up with a way to manage the odor without cutting holes in my apt


Well-Known Member
the only thing i can think of are scrubbers. research them, i would think you would have to go DIY because of your budjet, most scrubbers are preety expensive. Without one, when that baby starts flowering, people are ganna smell it, you might not since you are living in it but others will.


Active Member
heres what i do man hope it helps i have 6 42 watt cfls get my plants till about 16 days old and then turn it to 12 / 12 for about 30days or more depends on the strain cfls dont pen much so keeping them small allows for better yeild in the long run if you are looking for a good book to read seemorebuds book buds for less is good . talks about a damn good grow with the same set up i have and yeilds him 8 ounces . gl
ive had the 4 cfls running 24 hrs now and its seems that if i just just leave one side of the closet slightly cracked it provides enough of an intake and for exhaust i just have the fan blowing out of the closet the temp stays at about 80. for odor im going to give the 5 gal bucket ONA machine a try. I just want my seeds to come in already!!!!


Active Member
as long as the stems get to get some of the air to get strong you sould be fine flowering will be lil more diff with so few lights but keep em close and should get good amount not pounds but hey least you got some smoke right .
There's a smaller oscilating fan blowing on the plants. I've decided to go with LST in 10" pots and have now have 11000 lumens for 2 plants