3rd Grow, 1st Legitimate One, Comments and suggestions Welcome


Well-Known Member
I would have the fan on the floor next to a small opening if you can, this will help draw in fresh air to the bottom of the tent were the plants need it,
Hot air rises, i guess it also depends on how strong the exhaust is to create the vacuum you need, if your sharing it to the cool tube it may not be,
You ideally need a slight negative vacuum so your tent will suck in ward slightly.
Hope that makes sense . . .


Well-Known Member
HA, my tent sucks inward much more then just slightly on my 2x4 with the cooltube and 1000watt mh

I'm just worried about the soon to be mother tent, It would only be 250 watt cfl, couldn't be too warm.
Best I could do for air movement in the tent would likely be a small oscillating fan on the floor.

Would that extra air movement draw cool air in from the bottom and circulate it to the top of the tent to vent out without the aid of an exhaust fan?

I totally understand the idea of a slight negative pressure, as my other tent looks as though it is being vacuum sealed, haha.

Negative pressure is caused by the fan sucking air into the tent
Positive would be forcing air in

Would simply allowing the air to passively enter and passively exhaust keep the tent a comfortable temperature?

Thanks for helping me out,
Already gave you some +rep a couple posts ago.

Edit: The cfl will not be in a cool tube, just an open reflector


Well-Known Member
Yeah it will be fine, they dont emit much heat at all.
Sorry got my wires crossed.
Will reply when i get back to my pc , on my mobile at moment and its murder.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean when it comes to posting from a phone,
and my wires get crossed all the time, just make sure they are never important ones, aha

Anyway, I just changed my timer to 12/12 when the lights went off at 2am

I plan on going to the hydro store today to get that 250 watt feliz cfl, I am almost tempted to get the warm color because it has a tendency to stretch plants if I remember correctly, and I feel as though it would be good to have stretched mothers for taking larger clones from.
Do you think I should just stick with a cool veg bulb for the moms?

Also you said plants like fresh air, but I have my fan plugged into my timer so it goes off with my light as to save energy,
do you think it would improve growth if I kept the fans on? or even just the weak oscillating fan within the tent?


Well-Known Member
Always keep your air circulating , even when lights off ,
Outdoors when the sun goes down the wind never stops, its great for structure and growth.


Well-Known Member
I see the importance of air movement so there can be C02 absorption through the leaves, But is the absorption of Co2 caused by photosynthesis? if so why would they require air movement in lights off.
I understand the need for a strong air current to bulk up stems so that the branches can put on weight later down the line come flowering, but it seems like as long as the plants branches are being blown around daily they don't need to be at night as well.
Actually I just read that apparently plants emit Co2 at night while not photosynthesizing... hmmm, I wonder if air circulation at night benefits plants much at all.
True when the sun goes down it continues to blow, but do plants really need it to?


Well-Known Member
I would have to investigate to give you a full answer on this,
what you say makes sense about the co2,
I dont run my air con intake or exhausts during lights out,
i do know though that apart from the plants gaining strength , they absolutely need air movement,
stale air won't help grow a thing,
the cost of running a small desk fan for 12 hours on the lowest setting is minimal and its not harming them that's for sure.
Sorry my answer is not more fact based , i will research it but i have a business to run also and i have an injury from a car wreck and i just been told i need a spinal disc op .
Will be on my pc shortly.


Well-Known Member
I am very sorry to hear you were in a wreck. Best of luck on that future operation, can't be cheap. I am sure running a business is no small feat on it's own let alone being what sounds like pretty badly injured while doing so.

I will run my fan during lights off, was planning on doing so during flower anyway.
I am just the type who likes to know why I am doing something,
I understand that it would be pretty difficult to give a fact based answer unless you knew quite a lot about plant physiology
So no worries
I'll heed your advice and run my fan during lights off in the veg tent.
Like you said, such little power consumption in a fan, when comparing to the other things going on.


Well-Known Member
Riight, no one seems to want to give their two cents for a change.
Funny you sent me a link for that because I was just checking that thread earlier today, you have someone beautiful flowers, very deep vibrant healthy colors.

I'm glad to have someone who can grow like that helping me out,

I like the experimentation as well, when I have my grow going steady I will definitely change some variables to see what makes these plants tick.

My mothers are currently in geo pots, I find I have to water every other day, but I don't mind as my schedule is the opposite of busy. I need to get the pots elevated so the bottoms can breath, I find that the roots are growing outside of the bottom fairly profusely. I rub them off in an attempt to cause root branching inside.

I just got myself my 250 watt feliz and will be hanging it up in my 1'8" x 3' x 4'11", and putting the moms inside.
I don't currently have an extra timer, so Can I get away with leaving the mother tent on 24/0 lighting to keep it easier for myself till I get another timer?


Well-Known Member
Im here and gonna sub. I have 2 Cents!.. lol

BTW i buy from VIRTUAL SUN also great products wish they would get Hydro stuff.

Also viewed the tread and i run a 5x5 for moms so i think that tent would be perfect to suit 2 moms. the CFL though im not to sure about maybe a nice MH would keep em growing steady a little better


Well-Known Member
The metal halide is what it was under, but due to limited resources I am using that to flower. But if I am to convert this tent to a 500 watt mh which is what I would prefer, I would need another ballast to run it and another fan to keep my tent cool. I'd like to convert to hps on the flower and see how this 250 does. I am hopeful as long as I keep an even canopy I will have sufficient growth speed, and if I don't... I may just have to flower the would be moms in the flower tent and keep some clones going under the 250 until I can harvest and buy another ballast hood and fan to attempt a proper sog.


Well-Known Member
Question regarding cloning. I now have the bubbler cloner in ny mother tent 22 inches from the 250 watt cfl, will this light at that distance be gentle enough for the cuttings?


Well-Known Member
The light is perfect for your clones. They dont need much.
I never have had timers on my veg room they stay on 24/0, every now and again i will switch it off for a hour or so randomly,
I will also add that my clones seem to root quicker if they are given 2-3 hours dark a day. Imo .
Your plants would be ok under the giant cfl , but things may take a while. If your watching costs i would stick with it and maybe get a couple of smaller bulbs for lower branches on your mothers, this way she will produce more clones for you and recover quicker.


Well-Known Member
Side lighting would definitely do the babies some good, because I now know what people mean when they say cfl's lack the ability to pentrate the canopy. aha

Everything that is not directly under the light and hood is not likely to grow much. I have A couple extra cfl's and clamp hood laying around,
hell, I could not even use the hoods and just hang the bulbs close to the plants in the tent?

Or I'm tempted to try to work with what I got and begin lst'ing the maybe put up a screen and remove the lower growth on the moms that wont get much energy from the cfl, I could even remove the lower growth for cuttings next time so as not to waste material. Then as the branches reach through the screen for the light I can chop them all for clones and make the canopy even down to the screen every two weeks?

Sound doable?


Well-Known Member
Picture timeWP_000919.jpgNew tent with mothers and 250 cfl
WP_000921.jpgWP_000922.jpgthe close up of the broken branch was a failure of my supercroping/High stress training gone bad, The stem FELT soft and squishy enough to bend over.............


Well-Known Member
oh, by the way, always avoid going 2 days in between watering in party cups, I brought her back from the brink as this happen two days ago, but I thought I would show how far dehydration can go in mj
watered thoroughly and 2 hours later she was looking up again. had some heat damage to some of the leaves which later crisped up, I just plucked them off, I like my babies looking healthy


Well-Known Member
sounds doable to me ,
i would just hang them free , you can move them around , aswell as the plants ....


Well-Known Member
cords for the lamps are not long enough to hang in the tent. I'll have to figure out a way, could use an extension cord, not really trying to.
anyway. My clones look like they are developing root bumps