3rd grow, 30 dutch passion seeds, 3 strains

the crystal catcher

Active Member
Hi again all,

third time around, lets hope this grow goes as well as the last. bigger and better, 1st grow was 14 kush cuttings and last time we have 33 northern
light cuttings.... but now for the first time i'm experimenting with seeds, just purchased the following:

10 feminized, dutch passion blueberry
10 feminized, dutch passion strawberry cough
10 feminized, dutch passion white widow

GROWROOM: starting this time with a propergator, and also using root riot cubes. once seeds have popped and showing roots then they will be potted up and given some light. once this stage is complete then onto same as before darkroom dr 240, 2.4m x 2.4m x2m, 2x 600 hps lights, 8" intake fan and 10" extraction and carbon filter to suit also now has 2 x 16"oscilating fans inside tent keeping things moving.

GROW MEDIUM: root riot cubes then into miracle gro multi purpose soil, previously used biobizz allmix but all i seemed to achieve with that was pest infestation so i thought i would use something alot cheaper and totally different this time as i suspect the small flying pest problem seem to arise from allmix 2 or 3 days after potting.

NUTES: Starting seeds with just a little water if required for the germing period then once veg started then it will be half dose of Hesi root complex, Hesi vit and Hesi tnt grow slowly working up to full dose over 2 week period. then i will be at 12/12 flickover when i will start using hesi bloom complex and then a booster accelerator again to finish off.

All going good so far, all seeds have popped exept a couple of widow at the moment, sat in airing cupboard seems to work well.
anyway dudes heres a pic for now will post more soon....


the crystal catcher

Active Member
hello rollitup.

ok a little update for ya, now at day 6 from seed and still waiting for 2 white widow to show.
all the rest have cracked.

transfered root riot blocks into soil and first pots, also gave warm distilled water and will continue
to do so every couple of days or as required.

giving them 18 hours of light now too, was thinking of running lights 24/7 for first week or 2
but ended up goin with 18.

anyway dudes they seem to be responding really well to light and have doubled in size over last day or so.

here's a few pics, not alot to see at mo, but still u can have a look anyway

see ya soon...................tcc



Well-Known Member
They seem really stretched imo. What kind of light you got going? And how far away from the plants are they.


Well-Known Member
holy cow! Ive never seen seedlings that stretch that much. Get some t5's or some other kind of light on them.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, those look really stretched man. You need to lower your lights, and you shouldn't even be using HPS for vegging anyway. Get different lights fast!

the crystal catcher

Active Member
hi guys

yeah they are stretched man, thats what happens when u use
a 600w hps at 1.2m above ladies.

now using a 250w at 0.5m above, this is all i have available at mo
so hopefully this will limit the stretch.

appart from this they are growing well, 3rd set of leaves now open
and looking really good.

some more pics soon, thanx all................tcc

the crystal catcher

Active Member

hi all, got another update for ya, ladies are now growing fast with the strawberry largest then blueberry slightly
smaller and bringing up the rear are the widows but all doin well.

roots now showing through holes at bottom of pots so hopefully the potting on will work better, will leave them in these
pots for another couple of weeks then hopefully have a good enough rootball to pot on.

plants showing a bit of stretch due to having light to far away in beginning but all in all they are looking fucking great.
not bad for first time from seed anyway.

will be giving half dose of hesi vit & hesi root complex on next watering, should help the rootball.
anyway dudes have a look for yaself and let me know what ya think



Well-Known Member
dont feed your seedlings anything! That is what cotyldons are for. They spply the plant with all of its nourishment during the seedling stage. Wait till they are on thier 4th or 5th node and the cotyldons all shrivled up before giving them nutrients.


Well-Known Member
subscribing. im starting this week 30 feminized from nirvanadotcom also germinating right now soil either tonight or tomorrow night. will post some pics today of room setup. yours is looking good. good luck


Well-Known Member
dont feed your seedlings anything! That is what cotyldons are for. They spply the plant with all of its nourishment during the seedling stage. Wait till they are on thier 4th or 5th node and the cotyldons all shrivled up before giving them nutrients.
hmm I start giving my plants nutes after two weeks, what's wrong with that?


Well-Known Member
you feed nutes to 2 week old seedlings? Ive read that you shouldnt feed nutes untill the cotyldons are spent and until the plant needs them.


Well-Known Member
you feed nutes to 2 week old seedlings? Ive read that you shouldnt feed nutes untill the cotyldons are spent and until the plant needs them.
Yes, I start them on nutes after 14 days. Not really seedlings at that point anyway, about 6 inches tall. I basically follow fox farm's feeding schedule. They say to even start one of them on the first week, but I like to wait...


Well-Known Member
VERY cool looking grow. Quick question(s),crystal catcher...How do you like the root riot cubes. How well do they hold water? Are they the same/similar to "rapid rooters?" Good luck with your grow. I'll be watching. Inquiring minds want to know!