3rd grow Jack Herer, Urban style


Hey there. This is my 3rd grow. The other two were northern BC outback outdoor styles. Texada Timewarp and blueberries. Forced to grow with what can repel mold and frost instead of indoor strain buffets.
Im back in the city, with my medical license of course and got a chance to get some Jack Herer clones from my compassion club.
I started off with 5 clones. I was planning on doing the whole season outside on my roof, which no one could see on, very hidden and sunlight from morning to sundown, every day.
Was a great start. Used eyeballed amounts of lovely dark organic soil, peat moss, some broken peices of clay pots and this wood chip stuff thats great for shrubs of pine decent.
The summer started off great, vegged from June first to late august.


Sorry about the quality, I could only get up to the roof at night without looking like an idiot to the city around me. And no, I wasnt going to flash a flash light around up there so this is the best I had for then.


Sorry in advance for any pics I forgot to rotate.

That was mid summer, they really took off, I was using Sensi Grow part a and b. I know it wasnt the best, but it was cheap and quick on ebay, so I did it.
Since this was my first controlled grow, I used about 75 to 85% strength of the fert dose I was suppose to use. Rather be safe than sorry.

I left for vacation for a week so I had to bring them indoors. They were in a sun room that had light until early afternoon. There was nothing to be done about it.
I wasnt going to leave them unwatched in the backyard, or any other place for that matter. The person who watered them for a week ended up drowning one of them.
The roots balled up at the bottom of the 3G pot. They were then deposited into water and left to die. Dont ask me why i think the human race is depressing.
Lesson deserved and lesson learnt. Lets move on with the other 4 plants.

Naturally being indoors for a week kicked them into bud september 3rd. also my birthday :) I was surprised to see buds to early on sativas, but it really helped.


So i switched to bud ferts. I used Bud blood for the first 2 weeks then big bud from 3 thru to week 6. Sun was still great, little rainy at times, not looking an indian summer after all.

I was also the same person in this thread: https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/561093-emergency-wind-damage.html

Like it shows in those pictures, the wind picked up, lighting blazed, shit went insane for a couple hours one night. I sat here knowing it was even too dangerous to climb up my ladder to save them. Needless to say everything worked out.
I used root enhancer on the 2 that were broke, under the stem. I bambooed the shit out of them until nothing would ever blow them down again.

Now we are back on track. That last experience really showed me how resilient these plants actually are.

Now we are in week 5 of budding. Radios telling me its going to frost tonight. Alright well that means they are coming in tonight. Wouldnt watn to put them through that.
Went to buy a 600wHPS bulb and ballast. Threw them into my office. Put the light up. This is around week 5


Somewhere between week 6 and 7 here. Present time might I add. I will be going until november 15th. I want my full 10 weeks. I deserve it as much as they do.

I might do 1 more bud fert but I havnt decided yet. I detest unflushed bud to a point where i refuse to smoke it. I get ichy, hives, and have an epipen for the symptoms if they get worse. I like my bud flushed.


Got 1 fan going out the window, got a large fan shooting towards above the plants and towards the light.
I have a 3rd 4 footer lightly rotating in all the plants. I water by hand, 4 gallons every couple days. Tab water thru a carbon filter phed to about 6.5 / 7 on its own.
I spray regularly distilled water after the light goes out, and I water a couple hours after the light goes out. I rotate every 2 light cycles and am about to do some twisting and bending.
Keep in mind this was a quick last minute emergency set up to escape the frost. It will be taken down after this grow and I will show you more about my next one :)

My room stays about 18 to 22 c. Its a room with a 600watt hps in there. I have no heating problems. I even turn my fans off sometimes to build up some heat for it to last through the night, it gets cold up here.

I will keep updating as i get closer to harvest time, its hard to be patient, but I understand. There is hope for the human race :)

I know it takes around 10 grows to produce quality herb. Im on my third. Ive lived with old vietnam war draft dodger who spent their life growing outdoors and have picked up a few things.
Ask me any questions, Ide love to answer them. I may be able to offer help, and in return, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Im planning on keeping this for myself, it looks quite nice close up. If however I end up not liking it, or it doesnt help my crohnes and celiacs disease symptons, then it will be sold to my local compassion club, legally might I add.

My next grow will be in a 3x3x7 grow tent. 600 watt MH to HPS cooltube. SCROG of 4 white widows and 4 Nebulas form paradise seeds. This will be for another thread however.


bump. any advice? still have 3 weeks of flower and just gave what i believe to be my last fert nuke


Active Member
They're definitely looking pretty nice dude. I only ever went indoor to outdoor not the otherway around, so this is all kinda new for me.

The all-day roof sunlight sounded fly, really wish I didn't live in a 1-story now..

Keep on posting, can't wait to checkout crop/nug pics down the line. Interested to see if you got the CaliJack or the EuroJack (smoke report?!)


Thank you sir
Yes I was told that by the guy who runs the east coast compash clubs, that it would be a fun experiment. Brought them in and went from 200watt to 400 then to 600. had to go slow to rekindle them to a strong sun. I must say they love it, its looking christmas already and im still week 7.
The house I live in is on a tiny hill, about 6 feet taller then all houses around it. Large 4 foot walls on all sides. Even as an outdoor grower, Ive never seen plants suck in so much nutes and water in veg. Is there such a thing as too much sun? Nah... but too much veg? lol...
As for which type of jack, we will have to wait and see. I highly doubt its the euro jack. The grower I got them from picked them as samples for the compash clubs future clone bank. I believe they are part of the popular south eastern canadian strain of jack. Been the same type of jack for about 3 years now. Very popular, extremely covered in crystals. Very cerebral high that helps my cronhes and celiac symptoms, very nice smoke.

Let me know the differences between the 2? and ill smoke test it and wel see. Until then, ill keep posting picks maybe youl be able to tell me.


Active Member
Jack has always been one of my personal favorites. First batch I ever got ahold of came down from Ontario actually (i'm NNY-born) back when I was a youngster and it blew my mind. The stone and taste were something that stuck with me.

Ran into it again in San Diego in the dispensaries. Similar taste, high, smell etc., and still awesome.

Then after relocating to NorCal, I linked up with some people that had access to what they called "the CaliJack". Naturally I was curious and sought out a sample :bigjoint:

After having both, I must say Cali's got it on lock once again!

The big differences for me were taste/smell, look, and high.

Taste- Whereas the Euro had a taste that (to me) seemed to lean towards a Northern Lights-y/faintly skunky/freshgreenness and a taste that was similar, the Cali was ALL Greenapple Jolly Ranchers both in taste and smell. Sweet, fruity, nice.

Look- The Euro was always lightgreen with very distinct orange hairs, usually medium-to-fluffy in density. The Cali was BRIGHT green, with almost pale-yellowish green hairs and sticky denseness that makes grinders cry and scissors run scared!

High- The Euro was a great social smoke that was perfect for morning/afternoon sessions, clearheaded but trippy and a mellow bodybuzz that lets you relax while not bolting you to the ground. The Cali was very similar but instead of the sharp clarity it brought on a warm fuzzyness that could be felt in the face and eyes. The buzz is more laughy-jokey and had a great creeper effect that set in like 30-45 minutes later. I could smoke the Cali at night and go to sleep soonafter if I wanted, the Euro was a little more difficult.

The Cali is cut-only I believe so if the grower went from seed then odds are it's probably the Euro, but if he got a clone from a buddy (maybe a BC homeboy??) you may be in luck.

Either way you can't go wrong. Both are amazing and it looks like your's are healthy and doing well.


Interesting difference... The one I believe he gave me, that I recently smoked was the way you described your calijack. more of a light green, yellowish look. the low nitro/chloro made for the nicest burn. Im leaning towards your description of calijack. There are however a ton of strain exchanges from quebec and the deutch land. They were clones, I will ask if he knows when I got back this week.
This however could easily be the eurojack and different from the one I recently described. And 5 feet of jack is really something to deal with. My overlarged overvegged colas are dripping and weighing the shit down out of the stems. I think I will be pleased with my results this season. Ive seen these things go both ways.


mid week 7. I will be aiming for nov 15th. will be 10 weeks plus a couple. the pistils are still very white and long, not a sign of age in them.
feeding feed them almost 4 gallons every 2 days. They get dry fast. I also failed to mention I worked with some dolomite lime when switching them to bud. It has forced the PH to stay at 6.5 regardless of my nutes. Very interesting. Will keep posting.
Ive heard that some jack strains even like to go longer than 10 weeks. anyone heard this?


Active Member
Right on man, I subbed just now. Interested to see the end result.

I'm in the process of negotiating for a couple CJ clones from the guy as we speak so hopefully soon i'll be able to ping-pong some info on what I find.