3rd Grow Newbie - 2 Weeks until harvest - NANNERS!


4 plants - about 2 weeks until harvest. I had to tend to a family issue for 3 days out of town. As soon as I returned, I checked on the girls, and while I was watering I noticed 2 nanners on one lower bud on one plant and 1 more I noticed 1 peaking out on a lower bud of a second plant. The other 2 plants look fine. I am not sure when they showed over the last 3 days. About 10 days ago I found I had a noticeable light leak issue that I corrected That issue lasted for 3 or 4 days. Now I am perplexed as to what to do. I plucked them... Do I continue on? Or do I harvest now? Any suggestions/advice would be greatly appreciated.
yeah just pull them off , just make sure you get them all.wet your fingers first water inerts the pollen.theyl be fine