3weeks into veg....Couple of questions, any help appreciated.


I have my 2 (hopefully) lil girls here, on their 3rd week of vegging(closet grow), and had a couple of questions for you other growers.

when should I start using nutes and which kind?
when should I really start worrying about humidity and air flow? so I can go buy the humidifier, and set it up with a fan
If I veg for 4 weeks, and flower for 7 weeks, would that be cool or too early?

and btw,
How do my girls look so far???



Well-Known Member
They look pretty good to me. Were these clones or did you just bury 12 inches of plant? :D In the past I have never been able to get a plant to look that mature when they are that short. Looks like you already have 5 fingers on each leaf, which is far more than any plant I have seen that small in person.


nope, I germinated and then planted them in some FoxFarms HappyFrog soil, put the 2 cfls on when they sprouted, turned the HPS on at about 1 1/2 weeks... watered properly like I read on here, and this is the outcome so far.


Well-Known Member
Usualy most soils have the nutes to carry you the first 4 weeks. As far as what kind you'll get a thousand different answers here, I use the fox farm trio and thier ocean forest soil. I can't help with humidity, never been a problem for me, I just have a small fan cooling everything off. And yes 4 weeks of veg should be ok, but most plants take about 8-10 weeks to really mature. Hope this helps, good luck with your grow


They look pretty good to me. Were these clones or did you just bury 12 inches of plant? :D In the past I have never been able to get a plant to look that mature when they are that short. Looks like you already have 5 fingers on each leaf, which is far more than any plant I have seen that small in person.
1 girl has 7 finger leafs already ;)
and thanks gopherbuddah that solves the nute question.


Well-Known Member
if it is indeed 3 weeks , i wouldnt vegg em for 4 weeks. thats one week away bruh
know dat the plant gets only 3 times bigger or so. so you do the math

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Its hard to tell you how many weeks it will flower if we dont know the strain. You look like you have an indica so anywhere between 6-9 weeks. So your 7 week prediction might be spot on. youll never know untill those last weeks


Well-Known Member
first two weeks after sprout i had two 21 W and one 18 CFL on two plants. everything was growin matrix slow mo style so i upgraded with one more light. a 125 W Blue spectrum CFL.
then things started to go a lil faster :P problem is im using the same light in bloom as i did in vegg. it seems to work but its not optimal and its growin sloooo-o-o-oow again xD haha


Well-Known Member
my 3 small ones is Warmwhites. Red spectrums is the real deal for bloom man. 2700k for bloom 6500 k for vegg