Well-Known Member
The contents are weak because it was diluted with more happy frog soil to be safe.
i mean how much did you dilute it? if 25% or less i would say you'll be fine.
AACT (EWC + BSM + 4 gal H2O > bubbled 24-48 hrs) should be given once when you mix the soil up and let it sit for 4 weeks, once in veg, once in the beginning of flower
Nutrient teas really should not be needed very often if at all with amendments in your soil. i would avoid feeding any nutrient teas until you see a reason to.
you didn't look very hard online if you couldn't find dolomite lime lol. i'm not trying to get down on you, i'm just saying. But from what I have been reading the combination of Oyster Shell flour, Crab Shell meal, and Gypsum pellets (not pearls) make a better liming agent than the Dolomite. I had good experiences with Dolomite when i was using organic synthetics ( i know it's an oxymoron but that's really what those bottles consist of most of the time lol). I'm using the crab shell, oyster shell, and gypsum in my current mixes that are cooking.
the piss you def. don't need.
i think you missed this part of the organic process but what you need to understand when you have a living amended soil, there is very little you need to do for the plant, it pretty much just grows itself. taking care of your soil is far more important. knowing and understanding what and why you are putting in the mix will benefit your garden greatly.
oh yeah and my Blue Labs Soil Ph Pen works fuckin awesome and i rarely have to calibrate it. at the most it's .1 when i recalibrate. I was going to sell it, but i may keep it for checking my mixes when im thinking they're ready.
BUILDASOIL.COM has everything awesome you need shipped to your door. they also have some good information about living soil on the site too.
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