3x600w's vs 2x1000w's???which has more yield?


Active Member
Hi Everybody,

Debating whether to go 3 600s or 2 1000ws.

Which one is more convenient in terms of heat, electricity and yield???

I would love to know.....


Tree of Life

Active Member
Billy, you are in fact quite silly. either one of those setup's will provide an insane amount of light, and i'd very much like to see your farm.

3 x 600 = 1,800 watts
2 x 1000 = 2,000 watts
for the (assumed) size of your setup 200w won't make much difference in your electricity bill, or plants for that matter. more light is always better, but with that much light...

personally i would go for the 600w's if only for mobility and better light dispersion


Well-Known Member
With 1000W lights you're going to get much, much, much, better bud density with much more overall coverage. My suggestion is to stick with the best, 1000W is the best... I'm running two 1000W inside a big grow tent. I used 600W lights for a while, but the quality that I'm getting from the 1000W doesn't even compare.


Active Member
kiss-assholy moly,

so is it a general consensus that 1000's tend to be better. I was going to go 1000's then i read something that said that 'simple math' shows the greater efficiency of 600s over thousands.


anymore opinions



Well-Known Member
There is greater efficiency.

In the same way a prius is a more efficient car then a STi

You trade some efficiency for more power.

The truth is youll pull killer bud out of either pair of lights, but the 1000 is going to put more demand on you to use that power and cool everything effectively.


Active Member
yea i use 2 1000Hps bulbs it seems to work good iv used it for over 20 crops and no problems but the 600's youll needa a little more room n make sure you keep it cool those 1000 give off a fuck load of head i have the lights then a big sheet of low E argon glass aross the hole space horizontally so the heat heats up the room to temp but doesnt burn the leaves at all

tell me if you want to here more


Active Member
yes please i would love to hear anything additional?

how much a month does one pay in electricity with a 2x1000w setup? whats the heat like?

thank you very much.

i'll be able to put up some pics soon of the setup


Active Member
i dont no some months it was 50 bux and some it was less and more but how big is ur room if it is bigger then 100 square feet then get a thermometer in there if its higher then like 88 degress then most likly you will need a a/c unit in ur room i hadda throw a cheap one from home depot it works good cuz i have the glaSS but for budding i would use 400watt 2 or 3 of them you can add my email if u want to no even more [email protected] or [email protected]


Well-Known Member
Hi Everybody,

Debating whether to go 3 600s or 2 1000ws.

Which one is more convenient in terms of heat, electricity and yield???

I would love to know.....

If you use 2 1000w hps bulbs you will have 280,000 lumens at a cost of .10 per kwh or 20 cents per hour.

If you use 3 600w bulbs you will produce 270,000 lumens at a cost of .10 per kwh or 18 cents per hour.

BUT you may have a few more lumens with the 2 1000's there are 2 advantages to the 3 600's

1. A more even light distrubution that will cover more area.
2. Since the lights burn cooler they can be kept closer to the plants
ultimitally giving the plants more light than the 1000's, with no hotspot, at a lower cost.

The one disadvantage of the 600's is they are HPS only and not switchable to MH for veg. A multispectrum bulb can fix this problem.
(C.A.P. systems is coming out with a switchable 400w-600w system)

Also important to know that 600w bulbs have the highest lumen per watss. They are the most efficent bulbs