4 1/2 weeks old no flower


Active Member
Heya everyone.

Had my baby under 18/6 for the first two weeks. Been on 12/12 ever since.

No signs of maturity, or flower. Very short and bushy though so could def be a female. Any ideas? Ways to speed up the flower process? She hasnt been stretching much either. And also iv been using reflectors but as you can the lower branches arent growing to well as opposed to the two at the top??

And side quedtion, my soil smells like dog. Not dog shit. But dog, that odor a dog gives off after patting it or something? Any ideas? Have no clue as to why. Perhaps the UREA i put in it? I didnt put a hell of a lot of UREA in my soil. About 13-17 beads of UREA which isnt much. havent had signs of nute butn or anything she looks happy as larry... see pic..

IMG_20141225_165846.jpg IMG_20141225_165846.jpg



Well-Known Member
It can take up to 3 weeks for a new plant like that to start showing its flowers as it's so young also you are going to get very little from a plant like that

If i was you i would keep that girl in veg for longer till the tops grow up a little then flip

also what kind of lighting are you using make sure the room has no light leaks as this will stop the plant from flowing and also limit the size of the buds once it starts if there is light leaks best of luck


Well-Known Member
How many plants are you growing? what kind of lights do you have? if this is a lone plant...I would have let it veg for at least 1more week if not 2 depending on light set-up and space...anyway you should start to see pistils form very soon...please tell us more about your set-up and goal, please.


Active Member
Yup its bagseed. Not auto flower or anything. just some good nz skunk. And yeah 1 plant.. . Im not after an ounce or anything, just a good lil nuggy for a toke up a couple joints if i can

Prince Albert

Active Member
Im not after an ounce or anything, just a good lil nuggy for a toke up a couple joints if i can
I just hope after it's all dry and ready to smoke you'll be satisfied with all the hard work you've done. To me and probably others would agree that the yield is just as important as the quality. For example; would you grow a tomato plant with hopes of only getting one tomato. To each his own. Merry Christmas.


Active Member
I just hope after it's all dry and ready to smoke you'll be satisfied with all the hard work you've done. To me and probably others would agree that the yield is just as important as the quality. For example; would you grow a tomato plant with hopes of only getting one tomato. To each his own. Merry Christmas.
The nodes arnt alternating yet either. When would this happen?

question iv always wanted an answer to... When the plant starts flowering, do the nodes that WERNT alternating, have bud sites? Will buds grow there? or ONLY where there was alternating nodes?


Active Member
Update on plant.

Top two stems seem to be stretching quite a bit. Havent noticed this on the main stem previously. Any ideas? maybe starting to get ready for flower?????


Shes definitly nice and bushy

anyone tell what these fucked up white bumps are in the stem?? cant be roots its never been that deep or moist on this part of the stem?




Well-Known Member
Some take longer to show sex which depends on many factors. Be patient
The bumps aren't anything. They are just root initials. The plant attempts to compensate for the excess moisture around its soil roots by developing more roots. But the root initials themselves are not harmful to the plant. They are normal.