sweet you seem to be handy; so i cant wait to see.
Ya the two under the mh are gen 6, the one in flower is gen 5. As for them being in soil i dont know how much longer im gonna keep them this way. I think i will continue with soil for a bit longer, at least untill i can prove to myself that i can keep a few plants veging constantly in hydro. Untill then tried and true 6 inch pots for first taking, transplant to 10 inch pots take clones, regen and take clones again, then into flower.
Ya i cant belive how long its taken me to get a legit tray setup; so worth every dime so far. I allready have plans to start experimenting with a hydro mum, well i should say that i have allready "started" experimenting.
Here is an attempt i made with this same set i am flowering now.